If you’re at the point in Animal Crossing where you’ve paid off all of your mortgage, keep the game alive with these exciting quests and tasks.

It’s easy to get to the point of feeling like you’ve done all that you can in Animal Crossing. Thankfully, there are plenty of goals left to keep the game as interesting and dynamic as it was when you first loaded it up, if not more so.

Paying off your house loan is only the beginning of your Animal Crossing adventure. The Bells currency is important, but money doesn’t buy happiness, especially in a life sim game.

Related: How to make quick bells in ‘Animal Crossing’

Sure, easing the pressure of the house loan is a great thing, but once you’ve completed, arguably, the “main task” of the game, what else is there left to do in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Tom Nook may try to give you some answers, but at the end of the day, he’ll eventually get to the point where he says something akin to “Go enjoy your life! You’ve earned it!” No, Mr. Nook. That’s not good enough for me.

What to do in ‘Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ postgame

Unlock K.K. Slider

To get K.K. Slider to come to your town, you need to make sure your town rating is, according to Isabelle’s reports, at least three stars. In order to do so, you want to plant lots of flowers, making sure to put them out of the main walkways so as to avoid destroying them.

Adding Villagers to your town is another great way of increasing your town rating, as is talking to them on a daily basis. Lastly, make sure you’re putting out lots of furniture outside throughout your town, and before you know it, the crooning series staple dog will visit your town square on Saturdays.

For anyone new to the Animal Crossing series, K.K. Slider is very much worth the work. He puts on some really unique shows, with cute songs that will have you humming along in no time. Attending his concert makes for a great weekend friend meetup tradition!

Terraform your land

Once you’ve unlocked K.K. Slider, you have the ability to terraform your town to your heart’s content via the Island Designer app upgrade (available at the Resident Services building).

As you unlock more terraform recipes, you’ll be able to craft/destroy paths, waterscapes, and cliffs. I’ve seen some really neat town designs that involve towering waterfalls and raised landscapes that display cool furniture and items.

With terraforming, you can finally craft your town to your heart’s content. As you can move any building, take advantage of the customization options available to you until your town looks like your dream location.

Create custom pixel art

More so than ever before, pixel art in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is all the rage. While it was possible to share QR code designs with others in New Leaf, the influx of amazing designs is currently taking the internet by storm.

If you’re interested in making pixel art of your own, you’re best off using the image conversion website called acpatterns.com. It does a pretty good job of replicating textures and backgrounds, and is a quick and dirty way of getting the job done.

To make high-quality designs, break up your desired design into blocks. Doing so will make the final design larger on the ground, thus allowing you to add intricate details like eyes, hair, and text.

Visit friends for inspiration

If you’re feeling artist’s block in your town, consider flying on over to a friend’s town to get more ideas. If you don’t know of any friends that are playing Animal Crossing, post a query in a Facebook group asking to make friends, and you’ll find that many players will happily open their gates.

Some of the biggest inspirations that I’ve had in other towns are the open spaces. I once considered a peak Animal Crossing town one full of trees bearing rare fruit. However, I soon found that the clutter was too much of a hindrance, and thus chopped down some of my money makers in a tradeoff for feng shui.

Sometimes, a friend will have a unique custom design that really catches your attention. Perhaps you’ll be interested in making a sidewalk using their patterns, or maybe you’ll want to put your own spin on an idea they had. Any and all options are valid!

Holidays, furniture, and more

The holiday events are some of the best memories I’ve had in Animal Crossing. You can craft unique goods, talk to themed characters, and attend special events (time travel doesn’t work, as you need to have your time settings synced with the internet for these).

Try and collect all of the furniture items in your favorite set! If you’re stumped on that one bed set, ask around in your Animal Crossing circle to see if someone has it in their catalog or DIY recipes.

Related: Video games and pandemic: What Animal Crossing and World of Warcraft taught me

Animal Crossing is a game built on slower gameplay. Take this slow burn and bask in it. Donate all of the fossils, fish, and bugs, or display some of the coolest ones in your home. There’s no wrong way to play AC.

With the right mindset, you might find yourself playing New Horizons daily for years to come.