First off: The number of television networks producing rating-grabbing programs in 2012 is undoubtedly greater than it was five years ago. Whether it’s broadcast staples such as The Big Bang Theory or Modern Family, or more niche cable hits such as Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad, the variety and quality of television shows have proliferated thanks to multiple cable network’s increasing investment in scripted programming.

Secondly, how many cancelled or short-lived tv series from the last ten years or more can you name that would have been far more likely to succeed in a tv landscape more like today’s? How many popular and successful shows would have been enhanced? Quite a few, you say? Then you and I are on the same page.

If there is anything I’ve come to appreciate about the television landscape today, it’s that there are more than just five networks to shop unique ideas to. Let’s be honest, ten years ago there weren’t really any shows about meth addicts, serial killers, or the genocide of the human race by machines that look and feel like humans and that have a plan. Maybe only on HBO. But the only thing I knew about HBO ten years ago was that it showed movies for free, or what I thought was free before I was old enough to realize the pay-for-cable concept.

So I got to thinking… some of my favorite shows as a kid, or shows in the last ten years (or more) that were cancelled that I enjoyed – what network would they belong on nowadays? What network might they thrive on now and get more than four episodes? Or one or two seasons? I’ve compiled a list of my own personal favorites, feel free to leave more in the comments.

Boy Meets Worlds, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, Step By Step, Family Matters, Sister Sister, Full House, etc

Network: ABC Family

To be fair, many of these shows have repeated on ABC Family today or in the recent past because they are all classics and are owned by ABC. Regardless, these shows, along with Secret Life of the American Teenager and Switched at Birth all fall within the category of family programming that is not quite edgy enough for network tv today, but are important to have on tv in general.

Power Rangers, Sonic: The Hedgehog, Pokémon, Recess, The Magic School Bus

Network: Nickelodeon / Cartoon Network

It’s totally possible some/most of these shows DID originally air on Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network, but I didn’t have cable until I was in high school so if they did I had no idea. And apparently still don’t. These are my Saturday morning cartoons. Seeing the success of Avatar and Sponge Bob today, among others, I have no doubt these shows would have flourished today even more than they did in the past.

Home Improvement, The Cosby Show, The Golden Girls

Network: TBS

Yes, all of these shows were wildly successful on network tv, but today they might not fit so nicely into the broadcast network scheme. TBS is still carving out its identity as a scripted programming network, but these three shows, among others, would be just what TBS would be looking for (The Golden Girls would also be pretty awesome on HBO, amirite? If those old broads could curse… LOL).

Firefly, Alias, 24

Network: Syfy, TNT, or Pay-For-Cable

Look at the success of Being Human & Battlestar Galactica on Syfy – Firefly could have had six seasons and a movie had they been on Syfy today (and, frankly, the fact that they got a movie after only fourteen episodes is miracle enough). Imagine if Firefly, along with Alias & 24, had been produced by networks like HBO or Shotime. We would have had an even more kick-ass Sydney Bristow, and Homeland even sooner. NYPD Blue & ER would have also been super bad ass on TNT. Just sayin’.

Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, The Playboy Club, Pan Am

Network: AMC, USA

Though I was never a huge fan of the former two shows, I heard enough about them to imagine that had they been on cable they might have lived up to the hype. Mad Men has been doing more than fine on AMC, and USA has become increasingly competitive in the category of edgy, flawed, and intriguing characters. I hate to be a broken record, but a lot of shows that don’t make it on broadcast networks would stand a much greater chance given the greater freedom from censors that cable networks enjoy.


Network: TNT

Oh wait… this is a show that was resurrected on the most appropriate network possible and has proven just as big a success as it was thirty years ago.

What other shows from the past might you have enjoyed even more were they on a different network today?