Last night’s episode of Girls might have been lost amongst the buzz from the Oscars, so here’s your chance to catch a quick recap, a preview of next week’s episode, and tell us your thoughts on episode 2×07!

Few things can provide more insight about a person than the relationship she has with her parents. In Sunday night’s episode of Girls, we were able to take a look, almost voyeuristically, into the complicated relationship between the seemingly free-spirited Jessa and her conveniently absent, in-and-out-of-rehab father.

Hannah accompanies Jessa to upstate New York to visit Jessa’s father and his girlfriend, Petula. Hannah finds that Jessa and her father are hauntingly similar in hippie-dippie demeanor and “I-could-care-less-what-you-think” attitude, starting with the fact that her father was super late to pick them up from the train station.

We can tell early on that Jessa’s father is more than flippant, blowing off the girls so that he and Petula can attend a lecture. This leaves Hannah and Jessa to hang with Petula’s loner son, Frank, and his lax-bro friend, Tyler. The gang all head out for a drive, complete with whippets from a whipped cream can. At one point, Hannah demands they pull over after Jessa covers Tyler’s eyes for part of the joy ride.

Subtle flirtation had been building between Frank (who looks straight out of Freaks and Geeks) and Hannah, which culminated in a quickie in – where else? – a graveyard, right on top of the headstones.

The episode broke up bits of frank hilarity – Hannah unknowingly taking a tinkle in front of an elderly couple on the train tracks, her 8-second sex with Frank in the graveyard – and heart-wrenching sadness, like Jessa’s teary confrontation with her father on the swing set or Hannah’s tender phone conversation with her parents at the episode’s end.

The climax of the episode occurs when we see Jessa’s expertly-crafted free-spirited persona finally crack and crumble. When her father angrily admits that he can’t rely on Jessa’s flaky antics, she sobs in reply, “You shouldn’t have to. I’m the child!”

When Hannah tries to thank her parents for always supporting her and providing her with “a hammock under the Earth,” her mother is receptive at first, but quickly questions Hannah’s motives. For Hannah’s mother, she’s only used to that kind of affirmation when her daughter needs money.

To succinctly sum it up, as Hannah puts it, “I don’t think anyone’s ever in the right state of mind to see their parents.” And this is especially true for fledgling twenty-somethings.

Next week’s episode might find Adam back on the love train! Check it out below:

Tell us your thoughts — what do you think of Jessa’s dad? Or Hannah’s graveyard sex scene?