HBO isn’t slowing down after Game of Thrones, and launched the trailer for the third season of the groundbreaking show, Westworld.

Right now we’re all working to process the series finale of Game of Thrones, but HBO wants everyone to remember that there is still a lot of amazing shows to look forward to on the network. The premium cable channel released a brand new trailer for season 3 of its groundbreaking show, Westworld, and introduced a new character played by Aaron Paul.

We’ve got the brand new trailer for you below.

While the Westworld trailer largely focuses on introducing Paul’s character, we also get a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it glimpse at Lena Waithe’s character as well as she works together with Paul’s character on what appears to be a sort of heist. We know that it costs quite a bit to visit Westworld, so it stands to reason that society in the show has some rather severe economic inequalities.

It’s not clear if Paul’s character is a part of a group acting as a sort of Robin Hood-style gang, or if they’re just working to even the economic playing field for themselves. We do see a quick look at Paul kissing a woman on the head who appears to be in a hospital, so the apparent criminal activity that he and his friends engage in could be to help fund exorbitant medical bills.

So while we’re really excited to learn more about these characters and will be making guesses and predictions about who they are for quite a while, the other big appearance in the Westworld trailer comes at the very end. As Paul is walking down a dark alley, he notices a woman struggling to walk, and he calls out to her asking if she needs help.

The woman is revealed to be Evan Rachel Wood’s character, Dolores. She looks pretty badly hurt, though the trailer doesn’t reveal anything else about what is going on with her.

Season 2 of Westworld was met with some pretty mixed reviews from fans, but this new trailer makes it seem like we have some truly new and exciting adventures for us in the third season. HBO hasn’t yet released a premiere date for Westworld, but it is set to air sometime in 2020.