Entertainment Weekly has learned that Showtime has officially canceled Weeds. The upcoming eighth season, premiering next month, will be its last.

Showtime’s entertainment president explained their decision:

“There were two shows, Weeds and Dexter, that really got Showtime taken seriously for cutting-edge original programming,” says Showtime entertainment president David Nevins. “How they get brought home is really important. In this case, both for the sake of the two women behind the show [Kohan and Golden Globe-winning star Mary-Louise Parker] and an audience that’s really invested in the show. TV fans love nothing better than to complain about how shows end and we really want to end this one the right way.”

Kohan admits she’s “sad” about the news, noting “sometimes ignorance is bliss,” but the writer does appreciate the rare opportunity to creatively wrap up a show. “I’m so proud of what we do here and that it’s about a strong woman lead who’s really flawed,” she says of her protagonist, Nancy Botwin (Parker). “We get to do comedy right up against drama, which a lot of shows don’t get the opportunity to do.”

Creator Jenji Kohan provided some clues as to what we can expect for this final go:

The final season will quickly resolve this year’s assassination attempt cliffhanger, and fans can expect a time jump and a return to the suburbs. Beyond that, Kohan hasn’t yet decided how to conclude Nancy’s tale. “We wrack our brains every year for crazy cliffhangers and we’re trying to figure out how to top ourselves,” she says.

We’re sad to see the show go, but have to admit it’s slid downhill in quality from its earlier seasons, which were stellar.

The news does not come as too big of a surprise, as rumors had suggested that the show would be canceled after season 7.

What do you think about it being canceled? Will you be tuning into season 8 when it premieres July 1?