Wayward Pines season 2, episode 5, “Sound the Alarm,” looked at how Rebecca became entwined with David Pilcher and Wayward Pines.

Wayward Pines season 2 continues to feel like it is telling two completely separate stories. Each week, it’s always a tossup as to what we’re going to explore. Characters from season 1? New characters from season 2? They don’t interact much, making Wayward Pines season 2 feel like it’s lacking cohesion.

In “Sound the Alarm,” the main focus is on Rebecca. We’ve seen hints that she knows more about Wayward Pines than she’s let on, and this episode explores her story. Back in the 21st century, she was a successful architect who David Pilcher approached to design his ark for his devoted followers. She agreed, intrigued by the prospect.

However, Rebecca discovered she was in over her head when she met Pilcher’s followers and discovered the full scope of his plan. We know she and Theo were taken when they were in Hawaii, and this episode gives the impression she wanted out of her arrangement with Pilcher. He wanted her brought along anyway — so she was, though not by choice.

When she was awakened, she was met by Xander. Xander, who would eventually become her husband. They were married for a year before Theo was awakened. In the present day, Xander and Rebecca reveal the truth to Theo, who is furious. He drops his wedding ring and punches Xander before leaving.

It’s interesting to finally hear about Rebecca’s backstory. She was instrumental to the development of Wayward Pines, and the fact that she knows the town’s plans better than everyone gives her a certain amount of safety; as the sole architect of the town, she’s not someone who can be replaced like Sheriff Pope could be.

What I’m still missing from her is motivation, though. What does she want? She’s said repeatedly that she wants to keep on living, as most people do, but what else? She’s willing to stand up to Megan and even Jason when they confront her without fear of reprisal, but what narrative purpose will that serve? I have a hard time putting my finger on what I’m supposed to feel toward her.

One person who isn’t interested in living, though, is Theresa Burke. In a completely separate story from Rebecca’s, Theresa decides she wants to stay outside the fence because — as Adam Hassler notes — she wants to die now that Ben is confirmed dead. She’s lost her husband and her son. Her family and her entire world are gone, and she feels she has no further purpose.

We also learn that Adam Hassler recommended Ethan for Pilcher’s project because he wanted Ethan out of the picture, the implication being that he was in love with Theresa. Adam begs for Theresa’s forgiveness, but Theresa will never be able to forgive him.

Theresa is a feisty woman who I’d really like to see do something, such as take up Ben’s rebellion that got him killed. (Clearly, I’m not letting this plotline die.) Quite a few season 1 characters have died, and I’d like to see Theresa act rather than react. She wasn’t a passive character in season 1, and I don’t want her to be now.

I have to hope the stories of these two women, Rebecca and Theresa, will collide somehow. I’d like to see them doing something, though halfway through the season, it’s not clear exactly where we’re moving so what they’d be doing is unclear.

Speaking of the overall arc, the Abbies will undoubtedly play into it — though in what capacity, I couldn’t say at this point. In this episode, a female Abbie is captured. She is the first female they’ve ever seen, and she’s markedly different from her male counterparts. The Abbies held captive in the town have calmed down in her presence, and there is definitely intelligence in her eyes.

Megan plans to experiment on her, but Theo demands he be placed in charge of the experiment because he’s the only one with actual medical training and knowledge about experimental procedures. Kerry agrees, but Megan isn’t playing nice.

Shocking, right?

In the final moments of the episode, several Abbies come running toward the crops the town is growing outside the fence, bearing fire. Fire had previously scared them off, but they seem to have adapted quickly to fire being a weapon of their own. They throw the fire into the crops and then… wait.

There is definitely more to the Abbies than meets the eye. How that will tie into the stories of characters like Rebecca, Theresa and Theo remains to be seen, however. And while the various narratives remain separate, the show will continue to feel disjointed. With five more episodes left in the season, I hope we’ll start to see things coming together.

What did you think of ‘Wayward Pines’ 2×05, ‘Sound the Alarm’?