The developers behind 2010’s Heavy Rain showed off their new game engine with a short film entitled Kara yesterday during the “Technologies to Support Emotion” panel at the Game Developer’s Conference.

Similar to The Casting, which teased the development of Heavy Rain, Kara shows off the team’s new technology, though Quantic Dream CEO David Cage stressed it will not be the studio’s next game.

While the game is not overly impressive visually, it showcases the more subtle elements of game design flawlessly, including writing and emotion. It’s refreshing to see great storytelling, even in such a short amount of time, as it can often be lost in a medium consumed with graphical fidelity and adrenaline-inducing action.

The tech demo features full motion capture and tells the story of an artificial life born on an assembly line. “What we are witnessing is the birth, death, and resurrection of a human being,” Cage said.

Check out the video for yourself below.