A lot of long-time Star Wars fans have had trouble imagining Han Solo as anyone but Harrison Ford, so a fan decided to recreate a Solo trailer with Ford instead of Alden Ehrenreich.

Han Solo is an iconic character, and since we first met him back in 1977, the character has always been Harrison Ford’s. Obviously, an attempt made in 2018 to tell the story of Han’s early days before meeting up with Luke Skywalker needed to find another actor to bring the iconic character to life.

As we all know now, Alden Ehrenreich was hired for the job. While some fans were excited or just cautiously optimistic about the casting, there was a part of the Star Wars family that was simply unwilling to accept any Han Solo that wasn’t played by Harrison Ford.

One fan took that sentiment a step further, and decided to take a trailer for Solo and CGI Harrison Ford into the iconic role instead of Ehrenreich. Nick Acosta created the video, which he called “True Solo.” It’s an interesting idea, and in theory it’s kind of cool to see Ford in the role.

Take a look at Acosta’s video and see what you think of “True Solo.”

Fans who saw Rogue One know that a CGI addition of a character, like what they did with Princess Leia and Wilhuff Tarkin, doesn’t always look super authentic. It’s a cool idea, but even with all of the technology at our fingertips these days, it just never looks quite right.

And that goes double for superimposing a head onto someone else’s body. It’s interesting to see Ford in the Solo trailer, but ultimately, it ends up looking a bit unsettling.

It is cool to imagine how Harrison Ford would have approached Solo if he were able to play the part, but from initial reviews (one from Ford himself), Alden Ehrenreich was able to do a pretty bang-up job playing the space scoundrel. You can decide what you think about Ehrenreich’s performance for yourself when the movie hits theaters on May 25.