Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was massively successful, and a third film was essentially a given, but now we have the film’s official title which will be War of the Planet of the Apes.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes took in over $700 million worldwide, and it was critically successful as well, so it was no surprise that the third film was greenlit right after the film opened in theaters.

We already had some hints that War of the Planet of the Apes would be the new movie’s title, and it makes sense considering Caesar said that “war has begun.” The films have been well-received by fans and critics, and we’re very excited to see the new film.

It was reported that director Matt Reeves would “go right into the third film, a priority for the studio,” once he put his final touches on Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and the sequel was released on July 18, he would begin filming the third Planet of the Apes film.

Now that we have the film’s title, we imagine we’ll start hearing some casting rumors, and hopefully we’ll find out where Reeves and has decided to take the apes and humans in the third movie. War of the Planet of the Apes lends itself well to how the previous film ended, and even more so after learning that the after-credits scene was cut from the movie.

The scene Reeves cut actually appeared in the film’s final trailer, where we clearly got to see a large ship headed underneath the bridge between San Francisco and the apes’ home in the forest. Reeves decided to not include this scene in the film, saying, “Wait a minute, I don’t want us to be boxed in this way.”

Andy Serkis will return in the lead role of Caesar, and the film will have a cast that is as equally impressive as the first and second films. We’re unsure which actors will be returning, but we’re sure to find out over the next few weeks.

War of the Planet of the Apes’ release date is set for July 29, 2016.