Last Sunday’s new episode of The Walking Dead found Rick making a surprise move on Jessie. Are they destined to enter a relationship?

On The Walking Dead season 5, episode 13, Rick found himself deciding to kiss Jessie on the cheek after watching the new character carry his child at Deanna’s welcoming party.

So who is Jessie? Luckily we can look to the comic series for help.

Spoiler warning!

According to Robert Kirkman’s Walking Dead comic series, Jessie is abused by her husband and reveals the tragic news to Rick after he starts prying. Rick ends up confronting Pete due to his abusive nature and killing him. Later, Rick and Jessie enter a quick relationship, which ends with the latter dying when escaping Alexandria.

The Walking Dead television show is certainly setting up the characters for a similar situation to take place. We know that Rick and Jessie’s husband Pete are already at odds with one another thanks to a couple of quick scenes in recent weeks: Pete introducing himself tensely, and Rick pulling his gun when he saw the couple walking hand in hand.

Clearly there are some differences between what’s happening in the TV show and the comic series. The most obvious difference is Rick deciding to make the first move on Jessie at the party. He appeared to be moved by the look of Jessie holding baby Judith — maybe it reminded him of good times with Lori before the apocalypse.

In the comics, Rick vows to take care of Jessie and her son in light of Pete’s death. If her husband ends up facing death in the television series (which we think is highly likely), we expect Rick to take on the same fatherly role. Rick, Jessie, Carl, Ron, and Sam: A beautiful new family! …For a little while.

What do you think lies ahead for Rick and Jessie?

Do you like their arc or do you wish Rick wasn’t falling for someone this quickly at Alexandria? We can’t wait to see what teammates like Daryl and Carol think of this new fling, if they ever find out.

As one of our readers pointed out in our recap of season 5, episode 13, it’s surprising that Rick would move in on a married woman like Jessie after what happened between Lori and Shane earlier in the series. Has he already forgotten the feeling of learning his loved one was interested in someone else? Or does he just have a really, really bad feeling about Pete? If the show is following the comics, his intuition about Pete is right.

The Walking Dead season 5 continues this Sunday with the third to last episode of the season. Titled “Spend,” the synopsis for episode 14 reads, “Rick and his group face a number of challenges while trying to secure their new home.”