With The Walking Dead season 6 finale airing Sunday night, it looks like it could be a bloodbath, and we take a spoiler-free look at which of our most beloved characters are most likely to get a taste of Negan’s barbwire bat.

We’ll be ignoring the leaked recording of some dialogue for the upcoming Walking Dead season 6 finale, so we still don’t know who will actually get killed. This has reportedly caused fans to question as to whether we’ll actually see the final blow or not, but we’ll leave that for a discussion after the episode.

Be sure to vote for who you think will die in The Walking Dead season 6 finale in our poll at the end of this article.

First let’s take a look at where our group is right now, because the group basically disintegrated into a total mess after last week’s episode, where nearly half of our main cast members left Alexandria for multiple different (poorly thought out) reasons.

Daryl headed out on his bike in hopes of finding Dwight, because he killed Denise, and Daryl looks like he’s on a mission to be insanely reckless. As Glenn, Rosita, and Michonne head out after him, it turns into even more of a disaster as they all end up getting up captured by Negan’s group. Last week’s episode ended with Dwight putting a bullet into Daryl’s shoulder as blood splattered all over the final shot.

The other group member that left Alexandria was Carol, who just wanted to get away from everything, but she gets about half a mile before having to kill four of Negan’s crew on the road. She’s followed by Rick and Morgan, who hope to bring her back to Alexandria, but Morgan ends up convincing Rick that he needs to be back at home.

To make it a bit more clear, here’s a list of who is outside of Alexandria and who is safely at home as of last week’s episode.

Main characters in Alexandria:

• Rick
• Carl
• Judith
• Sasha
• Abraham
• Maggie – possibly sick/injured
• Enid
• Eugene
• Gabriel
• Aaron
• Spencer
• Eric
• Tobin

Main characters outside Alexandria:

• Glenn – kidnapped
• Michonne – kidnapped
• Rosita – kidnapped
• Daryl – shot and kidnapped
• Carol – possibly injured
• Morgan – tracking Carol
• Heath – on a supply run
• Tara – on a supply run

The fact is there are eight of the main cast outside of Alexandria, and while Heath and Tara are just on a supply run, we know that the Saviors are literally everywhere. It’s very possible they too have been captured by the massive amounts of people Negan have under his command.

Which characters are most likely to be killed off?

Well, the show wants us to think that it’ll probably be one (or more) of the unlucky few outside of Alexandria’s gates. We tend to go along with that, because we know that Rick and company end up coming after some of the group that is kidnapped.

While group members at Alexandria could end up getting killed, it feels like we’ll end up watching hopelessly as Negan smashes heads in front of Rick and the group that’s left in Alexandria.


Glenn’s storyline in the comics is somewhat close to what we’re seeing unfold, but that almost feels like it would be too easy of a choice for them to go with Glenn getting killed.

Not to mention, Glenn has almost died like five times in season 6, and it would almost feel anticlimactic for him to finally die. He had his fake death scene at the dumpster, and then he almost died while trying to go after Maggie when Alexandria was overrun by walkers. If Glenn is killed, he better be shown with his head smashed into the ground, so there’s no more doubt in anyone’s mind.


Daryl originally seemed like one of the top three to die, as it’s about time the showrunners really shook The Walking Dead up, and having Negan introduced to audiences by smashing our beloved Daryl’s head into pieces would be one hell of a way to literally make the entire internet explode.

Now that Daryl has been shot, it seems unlikely that he’s going to be the one that gets killed in the finale. Maybe there was a bit of foreshadowing though, when despite being shot in the shoulder/arm, the blood splatter went over Daryl’s head onto the camera in last week’s final shot. This could be a hint that he’ll be the one getting his head caved in by Negan.


Michonne is another group member that feels like she could be on the chopping block. Rick has been devastated so many times by his lovers being killed, but Michonne has such a massive fan base, it’s hard to honestly think that they would kill her off. It’s very similar to Daryl, where it just doesn’t seem possible, but that’s what is also a bit worrisome.

She is unlikely to bend to Negan’s will, and we could see a scenario where she’s willing to trade places with someone Negan is aiming for, but Negan doesn’t seem like he’s the kind of guy who would let someone make a heroic gesture to save someone, he’d just kill them both. All we know right now is Michonne is sword-less and she’s in a very vulnerable spot.


Rosita is also kidnapped, and she’s actually been given quite a lot of screentime in the last few episodes. We see her and Abraham’s relationship end, we see her dealing with Abraham and Sasha’s new relationship, and when a character is given more screentime than they normally get, it seems like that’s a sign that we’ll see the end of them soon.

Rosita has become a great part of the show and while she’s not the moral compass of the show, she certainly has seen more screentime in season 6 than she ever has before. This could have been her send-off gift, and while she’s not as big of a character as Daryl or Michonne, her loss would be felt by the community (especially by Eugene).


This storyline with Carol leaving could be a total twist of what we expect to happen. We think she’s headed off on her own, and while Morgan is following her, so is an injured Savior. If that Savior catches up to her, or she runs into more of them (possibly injured herself), she could end up being revealed as the one Negan plans on taking out.

It feels like Carol would be a huge surprise, because she’s just finally figured out that she can’t stay at Alexandria any longer because she doesn’t want to kill anymore, and to see Carol get killed after all she’s gone through would be devastating to our group. The more I think about Carol’s story, the more I feel like she’ll be in grave danger by the end of the season 6 finale.


Morgan is looking for Carol, after he told Rick to head back home, and while he’s more than capable of taking care of himself (without killing), he’s starting to feel like the moral compass of the show. As we know from past character deaths, being the moral compass isn’t always the best role to have in The Walking Dead.

Morgan thinks everyone can change, and this thinking may get him killed. We saw Dale try to sway everyone not to kill the guy they had back at the farm, and he dies just minutes later. Hershel would become the moral compass after that, guiding Rick in the right direction, and he has his head cut off by the Governor. Tyreese was another positive thinker, who didn’t like killing Walkers, and he ended up meeting a terrible death after forgiving Carol for killing his girlfriend.

While not everyone likes Morgan right now, because of his unwillingness to kill, there has been a pattern of people who believe there’s some hope left in the world, and they’re often killed off within the next few episodes. Morgan could be the surprise death that not many are expecting.

Negan could kill multiple main characters

We know that Negan has half a dozen of our favorite characters available to him, which means it’s possible that we won’t just see one major death but many. It’s crazy to think about multiple deaths happening, but from the teaser we see Negan walking past a couple people kneeling on the ground, which could lead into him killing a few of our favorites.

It’s really difficult to know just how many people will be killed in the season 6 finale, but it’s important to look back at what we’ve seen in other finales and try to see if there are any patterns of how they choose a death.

It could be insane if Negan just started smashing heads of literally half of our main cast members, as it would just blow everyone’s mind. We’re all expecting to see at least one main cast member get killed Sunday night, but it would be nuts if he just went on a killing spree because of how many Saviors our Alexandrians have killed.

Negan actually has a solid reason to want to kill multiple characters, because they’ve killed dozens of Saviors, and so far the Saviors haven’t really gotten to anyone in Rick’s group other than Denise. And Dwight actually says he wasn’t aiming for Denise, meaning he was actually trying to shoot Daryl with the crossbow, but he was still working on his aim.

The more we look at it, it feels like a group death is a very possible outcome, and instead of just watching along with everyone else as Daryl’s head gets smashed, it might be more cringeworthy to see Negan just take out like three or four of our favorite characters that his group has kidnapped.

Will they leave us on a cliffhanger?

There’s been rumors that the season 6 finale will actually leave us on a cliffhanger, and we won’t actually know who Negan kills when the episode ends. That seems insane, that we would have this much buildup for Negan’s character, and then have the screen simply go black as he swings his bat.

While I wouldn’t put it past the creators to do something like this, it just seems like it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to leave us hanging about who dies. We’ve gone through too many times this season not knowing what has actually happened.

With Glenn’s fake death earlier in the season, and then Daryl being shot at the end of last week’s episode, it would feel anticlimactic for them to go to a cliffhanger for such a pivotal moment in the series.

It’s time to show a massive character death in The Walking Dead, and Negan smashing a head feels like the perfect way to end the season. With 90 minutes for the show, we expect an insane amount of buildup to the final few minutes. It’ll be interesting to see how much time we actually have with Negan. If I had to guess, I would say he’ll probably be held out until the final few minutes.

Vote for who you think will die in ‘The Walking Dead’ season 6 finale

In the poll below you can vote for who you think will die in The Walking Dead season 6 finale, but we’ve set the poll to allow you to vote for up to three people that you think are most likely to die in the season finale.

[socialpoll id=”2347631″]

If you think someone else will die in The Walking Dead season 6 finale, be sure to let us know in the comment section.