Five new stills from The Walking Dead season 5 debuted across several different websites on Thursday.

The production stills each focus on a particular character or pair of characters who viewers have grown very familiar with over the past four seasons.

Still 1: Carol (Melissa McBride) looking through a broken window with a rifle in hand. She looks oddly peaceful about whatever she may be looking at.

Still 2: Maggie (Lauren Cohan) stands inside an enclosed area as zombies come up behind her. Is she aware that the undead are creeping up on her?

Still 3: Daryl (Norman Reedus) is poking his head through a doorway to see if there are any zombies (or bad guys?) ahead of him.

Still 4: Glenn (Steven Yeun) appears way too comfortable around zombies in this photo. Seriously… one zombie is less than a foot away from killing him. What is he thinking?

Still 5: Tyreese (Chad L. Coleman) and Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) are looking at something that’s far away as they stand near a train car.

Still 6: Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and Daryl (Norman Reedus) are preparing for zombies or humans to walk into the room they’re stationed in. This looks like it could be taking place at Terminus.

While the new stills don’t unveil anything particularly note worthy, they serve as a good reminder that the fifth installment of The Walking Dead is just over a month away from hitting our television screens.

Earlier this week a new promo poster for season 5 depicted Rick with the tagline “Hunt or Be Hunted,” which may be a reference to the fact that the people of Terminus are cannibals.

The Walking Dead season 5 premieres October 12 at 9 p.m. eastern/pacific on AMC.

Sources: IGN, HuffPo, EW, TheWrap, TVLine, People.