While last week’s episode of The Walking Dead season 5 was all about Beth (and a dash of Carol), episode 5 will bring focus to Abraham and company.

As revealed during a trailer on Sunday and in a new clip on AMC’s website, The Walking Dead season 5, episode 5 finds Abraham, Eugene, Glen, and Maggie on the road to Washington D.C. As you’ll remember, Eugene swears to know how to stop the infection from continuing to spread.

In this clip Glen and Maggie try to ask Eugene some questions about the operation. When he drops some nerd verbiage and avoids getting into some specifics, Glen asks him a simpler question. “Why the hair?”

“Because I like it,” he replies.

This weekend’s episode is titled “Self Help”. According to a synopsis, “While on a mission, the group is confronted by new problems that test their ability to survive.” That sounds pretty scary! We wonder if one of the problems could be the bus breaking down, thus keeping the group stuck in the south for much longer than anticipated?

It looks like The Walking Dead is now split up into three storylines for the time being: Rick, Abraham, and Beth. We wonder if the show will continue to alternate between areas, or if they’ll start appearing in the same episodes? We assume that the show’s mid-season finale will find them all getting back together again – presumably in the nation’s capitol.

The Walking Dead season 5, episode 5 airs Sunday, November 9 at 9 p.m. eastern/pacific on AMC.