We’re only two days out from The Walking Dead season 3 finale which aired to a record number of viewers for the series, and today we already have our first casting call for The Walking Dead season 4.

TV Line reports that the zombie show is looking to cast a character named Roy Stark, dscribed as “a former army medic who is deeply haunted by his past — pre- and post-zombie apocalypse. As a result, he’s a bit of a loner, although he maintains a charming/self-deprecating/confident public face.”

The Walking Dead is looking for an actor in the early 30s to mid 40s range.

Following the finale on Sunday we learned that, as the plot line suggested, David Morrissey will indeed return as a regular in season four to continue his role as The Governor.

The finale saw The Governor running away after the majority of his people turned against him. It surprised most viewers because we expected him to be killed.

Yesterday we wrote a piece looking at the three biggest questions we have about where the series is headed. One of them concerned Carl: Will he be out of control, and will he make his own decisions without listening to others? Or will Rick finally get a handle on his son, who is now without a mother?