A clip from The Walking Dead season 4B – the midseason premiere – shows Carl leading on a zombie.

“Hey, you. Fresh meat. Right here. Come and get it,” Carl tells the pair of zombies who were trying to enter a house.

We don’t see the purpose of Carl leading on the zombies, but maybe he was interested in getting into the house to see what supplies he could find. Or perhaps this is the home where he and Rick have taken shelter, and he wants to chase them away while his dad recovers.

When The Walking Dead season 4 resumes on February 9, Rick and Carl will be on their own just like the others who escaped the prison. Rick will be in particularly bad shape due to the loss of his daughter Judith. We don’t know for sure that she’s died, but Carl and Rick certainly believe so.

In a recent interview, comic creator and executive producer Robert Kirkman teased what’s ahead. “Not only have these people lost Hershel, they lost the prison, but they also lost each other,” he said. “They’re out on their own, they’re in different groups. There’s going to be a lot going on with these different people as they try to survive in the next half of the season.”

Check out our recap of the most recent Walking Dead episode to refresh yourself on the storyline and discuss the (many) plot twists with fellow fans.

What do you think Carl is up to in the above ‘Walking Dead’ clip?