Our Walking Dead recap breaks down season 4, episode 15, “Us,” which ended with a big group finally arriving at Terminus.

Last week’s episode was an emotional one due in large part to the fact that Carol had to kill a troublesome Lizzie. Then Carol came clean about killing Tyreese’s girlfriend earlier in the season.

Glenn, Eugene, Tara, Rosita, and Abraham

The Walking Dead season 4, episode 15 began with Glenn, Eugene, Tara, and Abraham. As they keep watch late one night, Abraham tells Tara that he can tell she’s into Glenn. The next day while working towards Terminus, the group comes across Maggie’s message for her beloved along the train tracks. Obviously thrilled to see this message, Glenn starts running as if he’s going to catch up to her. Does he think they’re only a short distance away, or is he just pumped on adrenaline?

Later, Glenn stops running but is moving at a faster pace than the others. Tara hurts her leg while avoiding a zombie, but she insists they should keep moving despite Abraham suggesting they stop for rest.

They arrive at a tunnel where there’s another “Go to Terminus” message from Maggie. Glenn wants to go through the dark, dangerous tunnel while Abraham wants to go over it – something that will take an extra day. Since Glenn is in a rush to catch up with Maggie, he insists on going through, so he and Tara split up from Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene. As they part ways, Eugene turns up the creep factor a notch by telling Tara how beautiful she is. In response she says she “likes girls.”

Glenn and Tara head through the tunnel but encounter a wall of rocks… and zombies. Since Maggie is not one of the zombies, he insists they push through without ammo. They distract the zombies with a flashlight to get away unnoticed, but Tara falls on a rock and hurts her leg again.

Glenn begins shooting at the zombies to keep them at bay, but others are shooting from the opposite direction. Who is it? Maggie! She’s got Bob, Sasha, Eugene, Abraham, and Rosita. Maggie and Tara are introduced to one another, and it’s clear that Tara doesn’t only like girls.

Edit: As pointed out by a reader in the comments, Tara appears to have a different type of connection to Glenn outside of a romantic one.

Talking before bed, Maggie burns Glenn’s photo of her because he’ll “never need a photo [of her] again.” Aw.

Daryl and the biker gang

(We refer to them as the “biker gang” – that’s not their official name). Daryl’s out for a morning hunt, and one of the guys catches up with him. He suspects that Daryl recently lost a girl which is why he’s in a bad mood. Just as he pulls a knife out to kill the punk, gang leader Joe arrives and stops him. He also lays the law down about how they keep the peace: Each person claims their bed, food, etc. This way, there’s no drama over who owns what.

Later as they’re walking on some train tracks, Daryl tells Joe he’ll be leaving this new group once he figures out what’s his next step. Joe wishes he’d stay. They make it to an old car shop to stay the night in. While there, the guy who picked a fight earlier gets killed because he tried to frame Daryl.

Rick, Michonne, and Carl

We missed these three last week, and unfortunately they’re not very present in this episode either. We see Michonne and Carl are playing a balancing game on the train tracks where the winner gets to pick which piece of candy to enjoy. Rick likes seeing the two enjoy each other’s company.


We get our first look at Terminus – a three-level shipment-type building surrounded by a fence and flowers – when Glenn, Maggie, Sasha, Tara, Bob and company arrive. They go through a gate that tells everyone arriving to lower their guns. They meet a woman named Mary who’s cooking some food. Is this all too good to be true?

See a preview of next week’s season 4 finale below:

What did you think of ‘The Walking Dead’ season 4, episode 15?