Voltron: Legendary Defender’s fifth season changed the trajectory of the show in a way that was both a long time coming, but also entirely unexpected.

Warning: Strong spoilers ahead for Voltron season 5.

We, once again, pick up on the galactic action a couple of months following the tumultuous season 4 finale. Lotor, who defected from the Zarkon-led Galra Empire and came to the aid of the Voltron Coalition, has been providing intelligence to the team, allowing them to make significant headway pushing back the Galra. Albeit, he has been providing said intel from a cell — which is understandable, considering he spent most of the fourth season in violent opposition to our heroes.

The conflict of having Lotor on the Castleship, as well as using what he knows, is a major driving force throughout the season. With honey on his tongue, Lotor provides the Paladins with ample reason to trust him, though there remains a niggling doubt — most notably from Pidge and Lance. That doubt provides some internal friction on the team, particularly when Zarkon leverages the life of Pidge’s father, Sam, in order to get Lotor back in his clutches.

That botched transfer of “prisoners” leads to perhaps the biggest catalyst for change that Voltron has seen thus far. Lotor dispatches of Zarkon in a fraught battle, plunging the Galra Empire into civil war. With multiple factions vying for the vacated throne, Lotor believes that taking his place as the rightful heir will put an end to the war, so he can forge peace with Allura and the rest of the galaxy.

Whether Lotor’s intentions are as pure as he wants everyone to believe remains to be seen. The close bond he forged with Allura over their shared Altean heritage, as well as the speed at which he hurtled her towards discovering the truth about her unique abilities suggests that he has a more lofty goal in mind.

Lotor’s involvement with Allura, the death of Zarkon, and the Galran civil war were mere tips of the iceberg on a season that dropped huge, world-altering reveals at every turn.

With Sam reunited with Pidge and Matt, a huge part of Pidge’s journey was wrapped up. However, it is far from over. Compelled to save the galaxy as much as their family, Pidge chose to remain with Team Voltron, and Matt opted to remain in the thick of the fight as well. Sam, meanwhile, decided to return to Earth and prep the Garrison for the war potentially making its way back home.

The war with the Galra was already personal, on several levels, for Team Voltron, but with Earth being folded back into the mix, that reveal provides higher stakes for every single one of the Paladins.

There was also some much-needed development for Lance. His insecurities and deep love for his family have been hinted at before, but as his conflict with Shiro escalated, they came out on full display. Dialing back the loverboy routine was perhaps the best decision the show could’ve made, and the relationship between Shiro and Lance was one of the highlights. With Keith still away and working with the Blade of Marmora, Shiro lost his closest confidant, and Lance stepped in to that role.

Lance has danced around taking the lead, but season 5 saw him step up to the mark in a big way, and it was Lance’s best look yet. If that was an indication of what is to come for him, it is genuinely something to look forward to.

As is the reveal that something was, and is, up with Shiro. By the close of season 5, we know with certainty that the Galra experiments did more than give him his arm. Whether during his first, or second, time in Galra captivity, Shiro has unwittingly become a spy for Haggar. And every ancient Altean secret that Lotor and Allura have discovered, Haggar now knows too.

What that could mean for the team, and for Shiro himself, is uncertain. If, as some fans still suspect, this Shiro is in fact a clone, that could complicate matters even further — particularly as Shiro becomes more and more self-aware.

And, following the reveal of Keith’s Galran heritage, he delved deeper into his past as his mother came back into the picture. A footnote to the season, but one that will undoubtedly gain traction heading into season 6.

All of those disparate pieces are hurtling together in a way that means more escalation is on the horizon. It is only a matter of time before they collide.

That breakneck pace served as the show’s greatest strength, but also a huge weakness. With very few moments to allow the characters to breathe and build on their relationships, the show took a step back from one of its selling points. Perhaps, with the foundations now laid for the future of the show, that balance can be found once more. And, hopefully, that will mean some much overdue development for Hunk, who has not seen his own storyline since season 1, and his and Shay’s first meeting.

In all, Voltron season 5 was a genuine triumph and left enough of a tantalizing tease for what comes next. We’re certainly on the edge of our seats in anticipation for how all the reveals will shake out.

‘Voltron’ season 5 is currently streaming on Netflix.