A fascinating interview has come online with Thor and X-Men: First Class penners Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz. Among other things, they discuss seeing their work on screen as well as not being asked to return to write Thor 2.

For all those who are interested in the writing process, take a look at this video courtesy of Collider.com. They have also provided a quick breakdown of what they discuss and the time signatures to jump to if you just want to catch certain questions and answers.

Our favorite parts are their discussion of how odd it was to see both films come out at the same time despite being written two years apart and their thoughts on Don Payne and Kenneth Branagh.

For those nerds out there, we get great descriptions of scenes in the screenplays that were deleted from the final cuts as well as aspects of both scripts that delve more into the characters of both worlds.

Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz