The Vampire Diaries season 7 has shown us a big change in the Mystic Falls we’ve come to know and love. Tyler mentioned this week that Mystic Falls isn’t worth getting killed over and I have to admit, I’m starting to agree.

The characters finally returned to their hometown after being forced out for much of season 6, but since the heretics have taken over it is virtually unrecognizable. First of all, they had to evacuate all of the humans in order to keep everyone safe from Lily and her heretics, then, in The Vampire Diaries, season 7, episode 11, Julian seems to have repopulated the town with his sired vampire gang.

This show has had some pretty terrifying villains over the years, ranging from original vampires to a powerful Gemini siphon, but the one thing we were told could never exist is a being that is both vampire and witch. In walk, the heretics could shatter everything we’ve ever known and may be the most indestructible villain yet. Sure, the Mystic Falls squad has taken on some hefty enemies, but nothing of quite this caliber. It would be a huge risk to them all to take on Julian in order to get the town back, as he has a posse of heretics and an army of vampires.

In the past it has always made sense for everyone to stay in Mystic Falls because they had so many ties there. They (and later just Jeremy) were still in high school and some of them had families and homes. However, as more time passes, their ties grow less and less and the pain that they have experienced in the town only grows deeper. There really isn’t anybody or anything to stick around for so it would be a perfect time for them to get a fresh start.

Stefan and Damon have been alive for over a century and have lived in many places but always seem to keep coming back to Mystic Falls. For most of their lives, they have both been lone wolves and have had trouble finding a sense of family other than in their brief reconnections with each other, and a few other notable exceptions (we miss you Lexi!). Mystic Falls was a place for them to come back to a sense of home and in many cases a place for them to come back to each other.

Now, they have a deeper bond than ever and a strong group of loved ones surrounding them. They don’t need a specific place to get a feeling of home and family now; they could have that anywhere with each other and their friends.

Another thing that we have to remember is that most of these people are vampires and aren’t going to be aging any time soon! Even if Mystic Falls were to be restored to its former glory, they wouldn’t be able to stay long before moving on to avoid suspicion. The old days of “the council” were fun to watch on TV but not quite as fun if you’re a vampire in the town.

It appears that the next three years have scattered everyone, so maybe they decided their beloved home wasn’t worth saving after all, or perhaps they’re just still having a tough time doing it. Alaric and Caroline are safe with the kids in Texas, Damon says he’s had enough and is in a self induced slumber, Bonnie is somewhere in an institution locking lips with Enzo (!!!) and Stefan is on the run from the Huntress. It looks like only good ole Matty Blue Eyes has stuck around for some reason we’re not yet sure of.

While I have no doubt that Salvatore and co. could take on Julian, his army, and the heretics and potentially win (especially if they have some of the heretics on their side, which seems very likely), it would be extremely risky and would definitely result in some casualties to the good guys.

That being said, should they try to dispose of Julian as soon as possible? Absolutely! He is creating a vampire army with innocent people and that’s not ok! I just hope they don’t do anything too bold and risky in the name of “protecting their home” and when they do act they have enough back up and a solid plan to get the job done. The question is: Should they stay in Mystic Falls once the fight is over?

Do you think ‘The Vampire Diaries’ characters should continue living in Mystic Falls or is it more trouble than it’s worth?