The producers in UnReal are ruthless, manipulative, and unfeeling. If you were on Everlasting which producer would you trust to tell your story?

If UnReal has taught us anything in the past year, it is that the producers on set are there to get ratings, make money, and dispose of anyone who prevents that from happening. There is no room for feelings or personal space. Everything in your life is at their disposal and if you are squeaky clean, they’ll make something up!

So far this season we’ve seen fake mothers brought in from central casting, girls tearing each other off of obstacle courses, suitors bribed with booze and ladies, and promises of a platform to speak for change ripped away. All of these pile on top of the incidents in season one– switching out medications, hiding a father’s death then lying at the funeral, and endless promises that each girl was “the one.”

With all of those great endorsements for the producing crew of Everlasting, who wouldn’t want to be a contestant on the show? Imagine you are chosen to be on the next cycle of Everlasting. Faced with Quinn, Rachel, Madison, or Jay, which producer would be best fit to tell your story?

Let us know which ‘UnReal’ would tell your story!