Roswell, New Mexico season 2 is shaking things up and trying out new character dynamics.

With Max out of the picture, the central cog has left room for all of the other gears to collide. Max served as the center for the show, uniting the aliens and the humans. Now that he’s gone, they need to work together to bring him back.

Luckily, this is creating some really interesting and fun character dynamics in Roswell, New Mexico season 2! Characters that never would have been friends in season 1 are suddenly finding themselves teaming up for a common goal.

Along the way, they might just discover that they kind of like one another.

Roswell, New Mexico is packed with amazing dynamic characters, so any combination of them is bound to create some level of fireworks. However, some of the pairings seem to have an undeniable chemistry, making you wonder how they weren’t together all along.

Here are some of those uncommon pairings that we’re dying to see more of in Roswell, New Mexico season 2.

Liz and Guerin

One of my favorite things about Roswell, New Mexico is that she show has so many different kinds of geniuses.

There’s Liz as the engineer and researcher, always coming up with new ideas, there’s Kyle as the doctor, with a wealth of knowledge in the medical field, and there’s Guerin, who’s kind of like a rogue agent, applying his brilliance to anything and everything he’s interested in.

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When these geniuses get together on Roswell, New Mexico, magic happens. Liz and Guerin have already gotten a few chances to work together, and it always makes for some of the show’s best scenes.

Beyond their mutual love of science, these two are developing a friendship that’s all their own. They even went to jail together!

Both of these characters have so much to offer, and I’m excited to see where their friendship and their brains can take them. Liz got to follow the path that Guerin wanted to by going to college, but that doesn’t mean he’s less intelligent.

That being said, maybe spending more time with Liz could inspire him to go back to school and try out a career that he’d love as much as Liz loves her’s.

Liz and Isobel

Luckily, Roswell, New Mexico season 2 is already starting to give us more Lizobel. Liz was there for Isobel in her time of need, and Isobel won’t soon forget that.

In season 1, we always saw Isobel hanging out with her brothers or Noah, but she didn’t seem to have any girlfriends. I can’t wait to see the parts of Isobel that are revealed through a female friendship, especially with a friend as supportive and loving as Liz. I just hope this relationship doesn’t get complicated when Max comes back!

Isobel and Rosa

Weirdly, Rosa already thinks she’s spent a lot of time with Isobel. Isobel just doesn’t happen to remember, because she was body-snatched by Noah for all of it!

In Roswell, New Mexico season 2, Rosa is already starting to open up to Isobel. This probably has something to do with their pre-existing relationship.

Liz and Rosa are very different people, and Isobel is extremely multifaceted, so a friendship with Rosa could bring out a completely different side of Isobel than a friendship with Liz. I would also love to see their friendship blossom into something more than friendship.

I’m dying to finally see Rosa with another friend or a girlfriend or boyfriend. It would be cool to see her be herself and have fun with someone outside of her family. Especially someone like Isobel who doesn’t have so much baggage with her. At least that she knows of…

Guerin and Kyle

This is another genius duo that I can’t wait to see more of. Guerin and Valenti have also been working together in Roswell, New Mexico season 2 as they try to save Max, and sparks are already starting to fly.

Both of these boys are so cool on the surface, but they have a lot going on underneath. I think they could be really great friends, and I would love to see the look on Alex’s face if he walked in on them playing video games or something painfully normal like that.

Isobel and Maria

Isobel and Maria have never been the best of friends, but with Rosa and Guerin in the picture to blur the borders between them, perhaps things could change.

They’re both so strong, but they’re so different. They would probably butt heads a lot, but if they ever agreed on something and worked together, it would probably be the best thing in the world.

Which uncommon ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ pairs do you want to see more of?