The Uncharted series is already arguably the closest thing to a cinematic experience that video games offer, and now it is one step closer to the big screen as all three games have been edited by a fan into movies.

Redditor morphinapg has made three separate films consisting of cutscenes and a minimal amount of gameplay from each individual game in the Uncharted series.

I’ve often heard many people describe these games as like controlling a movie, and have heard many people say that these games are just as fun to watch as they are to play, and I agree with both of those things. That gave me the idea to edit these games into movies. That way I would be able to watch the story of these games in one sitting easily, and without having to take up a considerable portion of my day. Not only that, but I would be able to show these to people who either don’t have a PS3, don’t have or want these games but still are interested in seeing the story, or even don’t play video games at all.

There has been no word yet from Sony about whether or not they plan on taking these fan-made films down.

You can find the first movie of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune below and the second and third here and here.