Ubisoft had a surprisingly strong presentation this E3 with Rayman Legends, Assassin’s Creed III and a new title called Watch Dogs all being put on display.

Ubisoft started the show in style, and not with Mr. Caffeine. The presentation began with dancing and a performance by Flo Rida to introduce Just Dance 4.

The publisher then moved on to a bit more of a mature title in Far Cry 3. The gameplay demo shown was brutal and very NSFW, but looked fantastic. The game will span over an archipelago of four islands. Far Cry 3 may be the most insane game shown this E3.

A new trailer was revealed for Splinter Cell: Blacklist and the Spys vs. Mercs multiplayer mode from Conviction was confirmed, but not much else was detailed…

Avengers: Battle For Earth was the next title Ubisoft presented. From the trailer shown, it looks like the Avengers may have to help defend against other superheroes as Spider-Man, Magneto, Wolverine and Venom were all shown fighting before pulling back to reveal Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

It looks like Ubisoft is going to throw a lot of support behind Nintendo’s Wii U. First off, the publisher officially announced Rayman Legends and presented the gameplay demo below.

Another Wii U game in development from Ubisoft is ZombiU, a first-person shooter with – you guessed it – zombies. The game is set in London and was formerly Killer Freaks From Outer Space.

The game everyone was waiting for in Assassin’s Creed III was up next. Ubisoft showed off more gameplay of the hotly-anticipated title that featured free-running, stealth, hunting, combat, possible side-missions and an assassination. The game is looking absolutely fantastic. Get a look for yourself below.

Ubisoft’s – up to this point – great press conference hit a bit of a snag when it introduced Shootmania and its push towards eSports, including a live multiplayer match that wasn’t very impressive.

To end the press conference, the publisher debuted a new game, Watch Dogs. The game seems to be a mix of Syndicate‘s hacking with the open world of Grand Theft Auto, and the gameplay demo shown was intriguing, to say the least.

Absent from the presentation was Rainbow Six Patriots, however. This seems strange as the game was just on the Game Informer cover last November.

What did you think of Ubisoft’s E3 press conference?