Two 30 Rock superfans, nay heroes, embarked on a pilgrimage to the show’s Silvercup Studios filming location in Queens this past December with one noble goal: high-five as many cast and crew members as possible. Luckily for us they brought a camera.

The crusaders in question are Kerry Doherty of YouTube channel “Geeking Out” and Mark Malkoff of “My Damn Channel.” Check out the results of their high-five hunt below:

The whole thing starts out rather inconspicuously with Doherty and Malkoff loitering outside of Silvercup with some homemade signs, the best of which is unquestionably “Kenneth is my Justin Bieber.” Then thankfully the crew makes their way out. Signed posters, season six DVDs and hot chocolates seem a grand enough reward for their tenacity but these two were here for high-fives and high-fives they finally receive.

Jenna (Jane Krakowski)! Lutz (John Lutz)! Toofer (Keith Powell)! (A very pregnant) Sue (Sue Galloway)! (A very bearded) Frank (Judah Friedlander)! Grizz (Grizz Chapman) even comes out to give them a high-five with a right hand that looks like it could conceivably shatter every bone in their body if he weren’t careful enough.

And lastly, most awesomely, Liz Lemon, herself, Tina Fey heads out to meet, and yes, high-five her two fans. It’s fitting that as the boss, Fey was the last high-five Doherty and Malkoff received. It’s like finally getting to Bowser at the end of the game – only you high-five him instead of launching fireballs at him.