After acquiring the company back in October of last year, Twitter has now re-launched Vine, a service which lets you send out quick, looping videos to your followers.

Vine can be viewed as Twitter’s venture into video sharing on the social networking service. By downloading the app (for iOS users only at present), you can easily create a six-second video made up of various clips that you film in one session. Vine makes it very easy to shoot several video clips and seamlessly patches them together for you. You can then send out your 6-second work of art to your followers. The video endlessly loops, which can get pretty annoying depending on what the video is made up of.

There’s also a Vine stream which allows you to view Vines created by your friends. In short: It’s an Instagram for video (which, by the way, was a service Twitter tried to acquire before being outbid by Facebook). Twitter hopes it will take off in popularity the same way Instagram did for photos.

Vine is available in the iTunes Store.

“Like Tweets, the brevity of videos on Vine (6 seconds or less) inspires creativity. Now that you can easily capture motion and sound, we look forward to seeing what you create,” Twitter wrote on their blog.

Below is an example Vine message. As you can see, it can appear in a Twitter feed and is embeddable: