Funko’s Pop! Vinyl series is finally tackling the Twilight phenomenon with nine great figurines.

One major fandom has been missing from Funko’s Pop! Vinyl offerings: Twilight. Since Breaking Dawn, Part 2 opened in theaters four years ago, Funkos have exploded in popularity, but Stephenie Meyer’s vampire series has been absent from the Pop! lineup.

The first Twilight Funkos will arrive September 2016 and feature the three lead characters plus one popular member of the Volturi:

The following three are retailer exclusives, being offered at Hot Topic, New York Comic-Con, and Barnes & Noble respectively. The best one is obviously the Sparkly Edward Funko. We can’t wait to put him in the sun and watch him glow!

Obviously lots of beloved Twilight characters are missing from this line-up, including the other Cullen family members and Charlie. We bet additional Twilight Funko Pop! series will be released in the years ahead.

Which Twilight Funkos do you want to purchase?

Last year Stephenie Meyer released Life and Death, a gender-swapped version of Twilight to celebrate the book’s 10th anniversary.

While promoting the new book, Stephenie teased that Midnight Sun is in the pipeline: “I’m working on it,” she told Hypable. GIMME GIMME!