The Magicians launches us into the twenty-third timeline where we learn once again that things can always get weirder with this show.

A short recap before we begin unpacking episode 3×11 of The Magicians. Alternate timelines have been created a total of forty times. As Jane Chatwin was trying to successfully destroy The Beast, she triggered thirty-nine different realities in which she failed. It wasn’t until her 40th attempt — our timeline — did she succeed.

But alternate timelines are a thing no more. Back in season 1 of The Magicians Jane Chatwin is murdered by a possessed Mike McCormick. (Remember him? He was the cutie who was hooking up with Eliot.) And since she’s dead, there’s no one to create new loops. Whatever happens these days, things are stuck for good.

Anyways, alternate timelines were supposed to be a thing of the past; and they kind of are. What no one suspected was to have one of these timelines – specifically timeline twenty-three – to reach out and contact our timeline.

Things are apocalyptically bad in timeline twenty-three. Plus, they’re also just a little weird. So we decided to go through and pick out the twenty-three most ‘what the f***’ worthy moments episode 3×11 of The Magicians had to offer.

‘Help us Julia and Josh, you’re our only hope.’

1). Ohh… Interesting. Julia’s power has undergone a big boost and she thinks it’s because she freed all those fairies last week. Could her magic be connected to her morality? I like it.

2). Yay the school is Dean Fogg’s again! (If he wants to, you know, sober up and actually run things.) Honestly what’s The Magicians without Brakebills?

3). Oh hey, look at that. The Tesla Flexion thingie — for communicating with alternate universes. I wonder who is reaching out…

4). There are two Joshes! I’m not sure I’m ready!

5). Yo. You guys. The Beast has the seventh key. And it gives him… Visions of the future. Great.

‘What even are the rules?’

6). The time key has opinions on where Julia and Josh need to be? Ok. Totally didn’t see that one coming. The Magicians who are you??

7). Marina is still alive in this timeline… Awkward.

8). Julia and Josh get roofied. Really this shouldn’t have been as much of a surprise as it was.

9). So wait. All The Beast wants is Julia? Damn.

10). Dean Fogg continues to struggle with addiction. Can you please get it together son.

11). And Marina and Fogg have slept together… This really is bizzaro land.

’She’s not a stranger, she’s my soulmate.’

12). “I killed a leprechaun once… I’m not proud.” Need I say more?

13). Margo and Eliot were horribly murdered and are ghosts now. This isn’t traumatizing at all.

14). Ok, but no seriously, what is the quickening and is it coming for our Josh?

15). So apparently Penny and Julia were a thing in timeline twenty-three?!

16). Dick!Josh isn’t as much of a dick as we thought.

17). Holy plot twist y’all! Quentin is also The Beast!

’Why don’t we just get this over with?’

18). So it was Alice twenty-three who brought Quentin back without his shade. Damn girl. That’s some Romeo and Juliet levels of tragedy.

19). Yeah so Quentin is the definition of a rabid fanboy.

20). Julia can just toss out her shade now? Cool I guess.

21). Annnnnnd Beast!Quentin killed himself. This really amped up fast.

22). But oh, oh, oh… If Penny twenty-three returns to our timeline, that means Penny forty might have body to return to!!

Well, that’s it! We have a door, leading to an unknown place, with two magicians (one with God like powers), and two formally deceased people… The Magicians continues to give no f***s week after week. And we love them endlessly for it.

Episode 3×12 of ‘The Magicians’ airs Wednesday at 9 p.m. EST