True Blood season 7, episode 10 – the series finale – aired Sunday night. Our recap breaks down the strange final bow.

The episode began exactly where we left off last week: Bill arrives at Sookie’s and says that “all roads have led to this path.”

“Then why don’t you just break up with me?” Sookie asks.

“Because I can’t. Because I love you too much.”

Bill then asks if Sookie will kill him – what fae call “the ultimate kindness.” Naturally, she thinks this idea is nuts.

Later, Bill is spending time at home reflecting on life when Hoyt and Jessica arrive. The latter doesn’t want her maker to die, but lets him know she’ll be fine after he passes. And there’s one more surprise promise: Hoyt and Jessica are going to get married one day. Scratch that…they’re going to get married today! Because the writers probably figured this episode needs some sort of happy surprise.

Word about the wedding travels fast. Everyone gathers at Bill’s for the ceremony, which goes off without a hitch. Sookie and Bill sit together, and Mr. Compton reminds her through his internal thoughts (now she can read his mind!) that she should have the same happiness that Jessica is experiencing right in front of them.

Between this, a talk with the Reverend, and a flashback in which she hears some wise words from her grandmother, Sookie’s mind appears to have changed dramatically about her future with Bill. Several minutes later (this slightly-extended episode dragged for the first fifty minutes), it looks to viewers like Sookie has decided she’s going to go through with Bill’s plan to kill him.

Dressed in black and with several polite verbal exchanges (“Thank You,” “I’ll never forget you,” etc), Bill enters his coffin and Sookie turns on her fae orb. She doesn’t do anything with it, however, and tells him that she can’t do this for him because he is a part of her. She asks if he still wants to die, and he says yes, so instead of doing it with the orb, she makes a stake out of a shovel. Then, after one last kiss, they push the broken shovel through his heart. Bill dies.

New Blood

Eric easily kills Mr. Gus and steals New Blood. Why didn’t this happen sooner? Oh, because Eric claims he actually wanted to work with this guy despite hating him a few episodes ago.

One year later, Eric is the president and CEO of the New Blood company. At the end of the episode we see that he and Pam are shooting a commercial for their new product. Also in this scene is real life author of The Sookie Stackhouse Novels, Charlaine Harris, who makes a cameo as one of the crew members shooting the commercial.

Three years later

– Jason and Bridget are married with THREE children (he still loves to bang).
– Sookie is pregnant with her first child (more on that in a second).
– Fangtasia is a popular bar where Pam is selling Sarah’s body for use in the basement.
– All of your favorite couples are still together (including Lafayette and James).

…But the big question is: Who did Sookie marry? Who got her pregnant? We have no clue. She refers to someone as “hun” and hugs a man, but we never get a look at his face. We’ll never find out, apparently.

What did you think of the ‘True Blood’ series finale?

The episode was filled with a lot of fluff we didn’t find worthy of including in this recap.