In yesterday’s True Blood panel, we learned a plethora of interesting information about the current season, as well as a few tidbits about what they have in store for us next.

Here are six things we learned about True Blood at the Comic-Con panel:

6. Jason is gonna go a little crazy soon

When asked how far his character would go to save Jess, Ryan Kwanten who plays Jason Stackhouse, let us know that while Jason hasn’t completely lost it yet, he will get very close, very soon. It seems that he is going to do what it takes to get the job done at this point. He went on to say that Jason likes to think he’s Rambo, but more often than not, he fails miserably.

5. It’s going to take Jess a long time to forgive herself

She was unable to stop herself from killing the fairy girls, and while it is a part of her nature, we have learned time and time again that Jess doesn’t think lightly about killing people. Debra Ann Woll, who plays Jess, reminded us that she is one of the vampires in True Blood that is closest to her humanity, and that her character truly hates herself now for what she has done. She has to find a way to come out of this with her sense of self intact.

4. Alcide will continue to try and lead this pack

Joe Manganiello made it a point to let it be known that Alcide is doing his best as packmaster. He talked about how the character is still the kind-hearted guy we know from the previous seasons, but now, he just has the “worst job in the world, and it is driving him nuts.” The job is pretty thankless, and it is difficult for Alcide to balance his real personality with trying to keep things in order as well.

3. Ben Flynn (aka Macklyn Warlow) will continue to be a bit of an enigma

In his first appearance at Comic-Con, Rob Kazinsky, the man behind Ben/Warlow, chatted a bit about his character’s interesting predicament. He is both fae and vampire, and therefore has both light and darkness inside of him. It seems that this dichotomy will be pulling this new character for the rest of the season, and will bring with it some very gnarly stuff.

2. Nelsan has a good time getting into the Lafayette mindset

In one of the funnier bits from the panel, Nelsan was asked to take the scarf he was wearing and change it up to how Lafayette would… and he did. He draped it over his head and flicked the ends over his shoulders with flair. He then went on to talk about how he gets into Lafayette’s headspace by listening to a little Rihanna – oh, and the makeup helps a bit too.

1.Steve Newlin will always carry a torch for Jason

When asked if Steve is still carrying a torch for Jason, Michael McMillian (who plays Steve Newlin) responded without a doubt that, “that flame is never gonna burn out.” He let it be known that no matter what may happen, Steve will always have a special place in his heart for Jason, and that he will never completely move on.