One of the best things about Grimm is the unusual relationship between Nick and Monroe. The two aren’t quite friends but Nick definitely relies on Monroe like no one else. However according to Executive Producer David Greenwalt, there is trouble ahead for their relationship!

So far we have only learned bits and pieces about Monroe’s past but we know it wasn’t pretty. When the topic of Mornoe’s past comes up again in the show it will mean trouble with Nick!

Entertainment Weekly reports:

Looking ahead, the pair’s friendship will be tested when they find themselves on opposite sides of a case. “[Monroe’s] whole past will be brought up,” says Greenwalt. “Those are later episodes down the block.” Also possibly down the road? A new “romantic character” in Monroe’s life and a return from his ex. (The latter, though, is still being debated.)

Monroe isn’t the only character on Grimm that seems to be misunderstood. Captain Renard also seems to have a murky past which has left many wondering his intentions! The executive producers are teasing that he may not be who he seems!

And because so many of you have sent in your questions on Capt. Renard (Sasha Roiz), the EP duo offered up this tease: Before the end of the season (likely with a few episodes to go), we will learn more about him and “it’s not what people think…and we’ve been told a lot of what people think,” says Kouf. “He walks a fine line. He’s balancing more than anyone.

In fact, says Greenwalt, some fans might even find themselves siding with Renard once we learn the truth. “He’s not just purely nefarious at all. He has his reasons for what he’s doing.”

What do you think will happen between Nick and Monroe? And what do you think Captain Renard could be up to?