The upcoming Toy Story Christmas Special* airing on ABC now has a poster featuring Woody, Buzz, Trixie, and Rex.

The poster also includes a couple of new faces in the Toy Story family. The adorable kitten is named Angel Kitty and the dinosaur on the far left is named Reptillus Maximus, the leader of the Battlesaurs. Our Toy Story friends will be up against these antagonists in the story line.

*Toy Story That Time Forgot is the latest Pixar television special for ABC and is set to air on December 2, but despite it being billed as a Christmas Special, don’t expect much of a holiday vibe.

The half-hour special only takes place around Christmas time – it won’t involve many holiday decorations or festive hymns. The lack of anything Christmas-y in the above poster just proves this point and helps lower holiday expectations.

As Derek Thompson, head of story on Time Forgot, told us in July, “We were very conscious of trying to keep the Christmas ingredient integrated in the show in an organic way and not feel like a tacked on thing, so beyond the fact that it’s the setting of Christmas, we have the Angel Kitty. Her participation in the show actually expanded during the story development because she could represent the voice of holiday wisdom.”

Hypable saw footage from Toy Story That Time Forgot at the special’s San Diego Comic-Con panel in July. We also interviewed Trixie voice actress Kristen Schaal. Hit the link for more!