Daniele Favilli caught Torchwood fans’ attentions when he appeared as Captain Jack’s lover, Angelo Colesanto, in the episode entitled Immortal Sins. Daniele Favilli has just discovered Twitter, and is embracing the Torchwood fan culture.

The Torchwood4Fans Blogspot Community talked to Favilli about his experiences on the Torchwood Miracle Day set.

Q: Were you familiar with Torchwood before you got the role? If not, how did you familiarize yourself with the character of Captain Jack?

A: I knew Torchwood. I watched the first episode long ago and I liked it a lot. I was very much fascinated by Jack Harkness and his team.

Anyway, I tried to approached it in the most naïve way in my work on the role since I did not want anything to affect Angelo’s experience of getting to know Jack and be intrigued by him.

Q: How did you get the role of Angelo in Torchwood? Had you heard of or known any of the other cast members or production crew before you went for the job?

A: Well…the old-fashioned way…I got the role out of two auditions. I did not know anybody in the cast or the production. I think they liked my performance and wanted me to be in the show. Well, actually, when I met Russel T. Davies and Julie Gardner they were very excited to meet me (probably not as much as I was to meet them!)

See the rest of this terrific interview here.

What did you think of Daniele Favilli’s character? Would you have liked to have seen more of him?