At San Diego Comic-Con on Friday, the Game of Thrones panel was packed with the actors, the creative team, and the fans. Here are the biggest reveals from the panel.

1. George R.R. Martin

Says by killing people he gives the actors new opportunities. Also, he thinks the showrunners have turned the mayhem up to an 11 on a 1-10 scale.

2. Red Wedding

The North Irish crew was in tears the day they were filming. As were most of the actors. Richard Madden misses not filming right now. It was roughly 20 takes more emotional each time. In particular the visceral scream from Cat and Robb were gut wrenching.

3. On Book Reading

The showrunners leave it up to the actors if they want to read the books ahead of time. Most opt not to read ahead of the season that they are on. Peter Dinklage only wants to know past history not future plot line.

4. On Emmy Announcements

Emilia Clarke, Danaerys, was hoping for a nomination for the showrunners and writers, and it took her a while to register that she had gotten a nomination herself. Jason Mamoa, Khal Drogo, suddenly crashed onto the stage unexpectedly, kissed Emilia Clarke, said, “You did good kid,” and ran back off.

5. The Music

They played music on set to set the mood for “The Red Wedding.” The showrunners think “The Rains of Castamere” is one of the best creatively.

6. Sam

John Bradley thinks Sam has always been heroic. Sometimes there is bravery in being the underdog. He thinks Sam’s turning point was reacting on instinct in defeating the White Walker. “He needs to get out of his brain.” He is heroic to Gilly because he learned helping the defenseless from Jon.

7. Jon Snow

Kit Harington thinks Jon is initially drawn to powerful men because he is looking for a father figure. He feels going forward, Jon gets sick of seeking and wants to be that figure for others.

8. Tyrion and Tywin

Peter Dinklage gives credit to Charles Dance for his success. “You are only as good as the actors you are in the scene with,” he said. He cannot imagine anyone else in the role of Tywin.

9. Dealing With Fear

Dany has lost most of her fear and has self-confidence that now inspires others. She no longer feels like she needs to speak with her advisers. There was a bit of a debate if it’s arrogance or confidence.

10. A Prequel Series

Martin is still committed to finishing the next two books. Martin might write other stories but not a Robert’s Rebellion prequel because it will all be resolved in the next two books. He might go back to write about Aegon and his sisters or the Mad King.

How excited are you for the next season of ‘Game of Thrones’?