The Walking Dead panel had the crowd at Comic-Con on its feet. Just like last year, there were some major new reveals during the panel such as the trailer and the premiere date of October 13.

Here are the top 10 things learned direct from the creative team and actors:

1.The Creative Team’s Spin

“It’s going to get insane very quickly.” Greg Nicotero says they shot some of the most creative Walker gags ever.

2. Michonne

She learns to ride a horse this season. Kirkman says anything is possible when asked about the possibility of a Rick and Michonne romance.

3.The Governor

The Governor is more dangerous now that he has no community to which he even semi-answers to. He is still out there. David Morrissey says the Governor went into spontaneous action the end of last season. He snapped and a switch goes off in his head and now he has to deal with that.

4.The Walkers

They now seem to come in large clumped packs, and they seem to have learned to climb to a degree. There is also someone baiting the fences to try to attract them. There is a traitor in the prison.

5.Carl and Rick

Rick is waking up to the fact that he needs to be more involved with Carl or the price is a sociopath monster. There is friction and tension between Rick and Carl. Andrew Lincoln gives huge props to Chandler whose facial reactions as Carl lead him to a darker place when he responded to Lori’s death.

6. Glen and Maggie

Glen is still evolving and slowly realizes he can’t fix everything. Maggie and Glen’s relationship is back on track. They are learning not to be consumed by vengeance. Their relationship strengthens them.

7. Robert Kirkman

He thinks he wouldn’t last in the zombie apocalypse. He’d throw himself off a big building and enjoy the ride o the way down.

8. Tyreese

He is still trying to find out how he fits in. He needs to negotiate his place with his sister and with the group.

9. Daryl

Daryl was doomed to become mini-Meryl, according to Norman Reedus. The relationships with people in the prison is what makes him grow up and stay grounded. The trailer showed several moments where he and Carol seemed to be having a hear tot heart conversation.

10.Scott Gimple as the new showrunner

Scott Gimple says it always starts with an emotional place for the actors. If you start with the Zombies then the story runs cold.

How excited are you for the next season of ‘The Walking Dead’?