The Newsroom season 3 continues tonight as the third episode complicates matters even further as the FBI investigation continues.

A lot happened last week on The Newsroom as Neal let the FBI in on his nefarious activities and was forced to run to save his skin. We also saw Don and Sloan hit brunch hard, especially the waffles, while debating whether or not Don and Sloan committed a white collar crime.

Last week was one of our favorite episodes of The Newsroom to date, with the perfect balance of fun and drama. Hopefully, tonight’s episode continues that trend as we find out more and more about what price Neal and/or the News Night crew will pay for the exclusive.

Check out the promo for tonight’s episode for a bit of a refresher. Last week’s episode put a lot of pieces into motion, and this episode will continue to keep those moving forward.

Can’t watch live tonight?

All you lucky HBO subscribers, make sure to check HBO Go sometime in the next 24 hours for The Newsroom season 3, episode 3 to post. You can also check your cable provider’s On Demand section to see if the episode will be offered there. If you give it a thought, you can always DVR the episode, which is usually the easiest way to catch your favorite News Night crew at work.

Do you think somebody’s going to jail before the season is out?