The Arrow mid-season premiere, “Left Behind,” airs tonight, as Team Arrow deals with the aftermath of Oliver’s disappearance.

Previously on ‘Arrow’

The League of Assassins gave Oliver an ultimatum: Provide Sara’s killer or the League would kill innocent citizens of Starling City. When Oliver learned that Malcolm Merlyn drugged Thea and made her kill Sara without memory of the incident, Oliver was forced to take the blame for Sara’s death; Malcolm believed Oliver could defeat Ra’s al Ghul in combat, thus freeing everyone from their debts to him.

However, Oliver was over-matched by the Demon’s Head. After a prayer and a stab through the chest, Ra’s kicked Oliver over the edge of a cliff, killing him.

Read our recap of Arrow season 3, episode 9, “The Climb,” here.

Watch a promo

‘Arrow’ season 3, episode 10, ‘Left Behind,’ synopsis

If that promo has whet your appetite, make sure to read the official synopsis for the tenth episode of the season:

“THE TEAM DEALS WITH OLIVER’S DISAPPEARANCE — In the aftermath of Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) fight with Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable), Diggle (David Ramsey) and Arsenal (Colton Haynes) continue to protect the city in the Arrow’s absence. However, after three days without hearing from Oliver, they begin to fear the worst may have happened to their friend. Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) refuses to believe that Oliver could be dead until Merlyn (John Barrowman) pays the team a surprise visit. Thea (Willa Holland) suspects there is something more behind Oliver’s disappearance and asks Merlyn for a favor. Meanwhile, Ray (Brandon Routh) tests a part of his new suit and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) takes up the mantle of the Black Canary. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Marc Guggenheim & Erik Oleson (#310).”

If you need more goodies to tide you over, we have promotional stills from the episode as well:

Watch ‘Arrow’ season 3 online

If you’re unable to catch Arrow season 3, episode 10, “Left Behind,” live tonight, you’re not out of luck. If you want to watch online, the CW posts new episodes of the show to its site the day after they air.

You can also find new episodes within 24 hours on iTunes and Amazon. The last five episodes to air on The CW are available eight days after broadcast on Hulu as well.

Will you watch ‘Arrow’ season 3, episode 10, ‘Left Behind,’ tonight?