Tomb Raider 2, a sequel to Square Enix’s recent reboot hit, is confirmed.

Square Enix confirmed that Tomb Raider 2 is in the works, and that it is “well into development.”

A direct quote from CEO Phil Rogers reads “I am also excited to reveal that we are well into development on a next-generation Tomb Raider sequel – something you may have heard about recently!”

Rogers spoke also of the exciting upcoming developments for Square Enix, including the already confirmed Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV in an open letter.

When we last left Lara Croft in the original Tomb Raider, her and the rest of the shipwrecked survivors left the Island after stopping Mathius’ attempts at resurrecting Japenese Goddess Himiko in Lara’s best friend Sam.

If we had to choose another locale for Lara to explore in Tomb Raider 2, we’d place her in an urban setting. Although this is something that is commonly done is similar series, such as Uncharted and Indiana Jones, we think that it would be great to see the new Lara in such a fast-paced environment.

With the success of the original Tomb Raider for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC, it’s no wonder that Square Enix wants to take advantage of the profitability of their rebooted Tomb Raider video game series.

The only issues that we can see fans having with Tomb Raider 2 are those that run over the storylines of the original Tomb Raider games. Overall, Tomb Raider 2 would probably stand better with independent plots and characters.

We enjoyed what Tomb Raider had to offer, although we missed the abundance of the actual raiding of tombs, something that’s become a signature of the series. We’d like to see Tomb Raider 2‘s tombs to be part of the main plot, as opposed to being bonus levels.

Read more of our thoughts on Tomb Raider in our review.

What do you think will be the story of ‘Tomb Raider 2’?