Not only did viewers of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Part 2 not see the oft criticized Voldy/Draco hug coming in the final moments of the film, but apparently neither did Tom Felton!

According to this interview with Tom Felton at DragonCon, Ralph Fiennes and he did “about 25” takes of the scene where Voldemort calls Draco down to join the Death Eaters. Only once did Ralph decide to hug him. The moment wasn’t in the script and Felton described the memory as “pretty menacing.”

He goes on to talk about how British audiences found the unsettling tone of the scene while American audiences thought it was awkward and funny. He also mentions that he was as surprised as anyone to see that it was the take that was used in the final cut of the film.

So what do you think? Was the Voldy/Draco hug just a little too much for your awkward-o-meter? Did you find it as unsettling and menacing as Tom Felton did?