The news here may not be entirely earth shattering, but Toby Whithouse did let something slip with a recent interview. Notably, he referred to the Doctor’s new companion in the singular.

Doctor Who writer Toby Whithouse has been doing a lot of press for his Being Human series. In doing so, he let some details on Doctor Who slip the other day and again today. According to The Hollywood Reporter.

THR: What can you say about working on Doctor Who and what’s next there?

Whithouse: In terms of the series as a whole I know, there are quite a few things I know. I know some plans for the new companion and that kind of thing. The one downside of working on Doctor Who is that you know what’s coming up. I knew who River Song was months and months and months before most other people, and it was great. Doctor Who is not necessarily a job I need to do because Being Human keeps me very busy, but I love it.

THR: Fans of the show were surprised when it was announced there would be a new companion. Were you aware of it?

Whithouse: To be honest it was probably more of a mutual decision than people would assume. These things tend to be kind of agreed, particularly the companions have a natural shelf life. I know a bit about the new companion, I don’t know who they cast and even if I did if I told you Steven Moffat would come out here and punch me in the neck. Steven is one of the cleverest, most inventive people I’ve ever met in my life, and so you know it is in very safe hands with him. If he makes decisions, the chances are it’s for the best, it’s the best thing for the show.

The strongest item of note is that Whithouse said “The Companion” which would seem to indicate one person. There was initially much speculation that Steven Moffat might return to a Doctor Who tradition of multiple companions (3 or more) which had been done several times in the classic Doctor Who episodes.