Many have wondered who survived Thanos’ snap at the end of Infinity War, and now we know of one more survivor: Thor’s roommate, Darryl.

When Thanos snapped half of the universe out of existence at the end of Avengers: Infinity War, many Marvel fans found themselves wondering about the fate of their favorite characters that weren’t shown onscreen in those final moments. And while we might have to wait a bit to get the final, official word on many of our favorite Marvel heroes, we know how one of the MCU’s most beloved, unsung heroes fared.

Yes, the intrepid survivor of which we speak is Darryl Jacobson. Darryl has survived living arrangements with both Thor and the Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum) and has indeed survived Thanos’ snap. We learned of his fate when he posted a message wishing Thor a belated happy birthday.

Of course, if you’re wondering why such a considerate, long-suffering roommate would have missed Thor’s August 11 birthday celebrations, he explains in the video that his working life has been a bit more hectic since the snap.

While Thanos seems to think the universe has finally become “perfectly balanced” with half of the population wiped out, it seems that it’s caused quite the workforce crisis. Darryl has been studiously working weekends to help make up for the significantly slashed workforce.

And while we are happy to hear that Darryl survived, we can’t help but notice that he doesn’t mention his Los Angeles roomie, the Grandmaster. While we’re a bit worried about his fate since Darryl seems to be having some money troubles, we can’t imagine that Grandmaster was any more helpful in bringing in rent money than Thor was. So we’re choosing to believe that Darryl and Grandmaster both survived until we hear differently.

Regardless of Grandmaster’s fate, we’re glad to know that Darryl is safe and thriving as best he can in the post-snap world. After all, Thor could probably use a friendly face and a safe place to crash while the Avengers figure out how to figure out how to fix the world Thanos has destroyed.