A Thor: Ragnarok extra shows Thor’s old roommate, Darryl, getting himself a brand new roomie in Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster.

When The Hulk and Thor didn’t show up in Captain America: Civil War (a film that basically had every other character in the MCU at that point), fans got curious what the two were up to. While the official answer was explained in Thor: Ragnarok, the Marvel team released videos showing the god of thunder grabbing coffee with the Hulk, chilling in Australia, and rooming with a regular guy named Darryl.

Related: Marvel reveals what Thor was really up to during Civil War in amazing new video

It didn’t take long for fans to flock to Darryl’s plight, and he and Thor got another quick short on the Doctor Strange Blu-ray. Alas, all good things must come to an end, and Thor and Darryl’s roommate partnership came to a close. And while we all figured we had seen the last of Odinson’s longsuffering, human housemate, an extra on the Thor: Ragnarok Blu-ray brought him back for another round of hijinks.

USA Today broke the exclusive clip that let us know Darryl had relocated to LA shortly after Thor moved out, and had to start the hunt for another roomie. As fate would have it, Darryl’s ad came to the attention to only one other person, another newcomer to the LA area in need of housing, Sakaar’s former leader, Grandmaster.

Seeing Darryl room with Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster is really just the best thing ever. I mean, can we talk about how much we love Grandmaster’s bust of himself? And watching Grandmaster revel in the wonder of the earth delicacies like toast (a LOT of toast) is nothing short of hilarious.

We love that Marvel has continued checking back in on Darryl well after the original Civil War short released, and we hope they don’t stop anytime soon. Here’s hoping that Darryl and Grandmaster can become happy roommates and that Darryl doesn’t meet the same fate as Grandmaster’s other #2, Topaz.

What has been your favorite Darryl short so far?