Even though there are still some active fan campaigns trying to resurrect The Secret Circle on a different network, one of its stars felt that he and the show never “clicked.” Thomas Dekker, who played Adam, speaks out about the show’s demise for the first time.

In a frank interview with The Insider, Thomas Dekker reveals that the show didn’t exactly go in the direction that he thought it would when he signed on. In fact, he felt that he never really “clicked” with the show and his character, Adam. He was ready to move on when the announcement came.

Insider: When we spoke back in September, you were excited to take Adam down a dark path. Something that never quite happened on the show. Is that what you’re referring to [not clicking]?

Thomas: Absolutely. I don’t think I’m being offensive in saying that Adam was the most underdeveloped character on the show. Which is not at the fault of the writers – I think it was just how the narrative of the series wound up. The importance of other stories and development of other characters was more pressing. But I think I entered with a different view of who the character was and where he was going, versus what it ended up being. And that might have been true for Andrew [Miller, showrunner] and Kevin [Williamson, EP] as well. Adam definitely ended up being quite different from who I thought he would be. Not in a negative way, just in a different way. And if you saw in the season finale, that’s where we were hinting it would go next season, so I’m just going to pretend that in the season two that never happened, Adam became the Antichrist [laughs].

Dekker went on to say that the schedule was tiring. He had forgotten since his last experience with a TV series, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, how grueling a full series schedule could be. He’s now looking forward to resuming his indie movie career and pursuing his music.

Have you, like Thomas Dekker, moved on?