A sneak peek from This Is Us season 2 has been released, showing an honest conversation between Rebecca and Randall about the struggles of adoption.

It looks like This Is Us season 2 is going to be just as emotional as its first one.

In this new sneak peek, Randall reveals to Rebecca that his wife is struggling with the idea of adoption. While Randall really feels as though it’s something they should do, given his past, Beth is apparently hesitant.

When Randall seeks advice from Rebecca on how they came to the decision, she first feeds him the same story he’s heard all his life. But then things get real and Rebecca admits that she didn’t see the same vision as Jack at first. She was still grieving the baby that she had lost and Randall was a stranger at the time.

Obviously, Rebecca ended up giving in. Saying that Jack gave her the push she needed. Their marriage wasn’t perfect, and Jack was often pushing her to do things she wasn’t comfortable with, but Rebecca reveals that she was grateful for the push in the end.

Watch the video below:

‘This Is Us’ season 2 premiere on September 26 at 9 p.m. ET on NBC!