The new apocalyptic comedy This is the End is the latest film from actor Seth Rogen and writer Evan Goldberg, who aside from co-writing it together have also stepped behind the camera to direct.

They’ve assembled a large group of close friends including James Franco, Jonah Hill, Craig Robinson, Danny McBride and Michael Cera to come together and make a modestly-budgeted movie that is loud, profane and insanely fun. Read our review.

With all those egos and talent put together in one room, This is the End could have easily derailed into a Hollywood nightmare, especially considering that all of the actors are mostly playing exaggerated versions of themselves. The result is sometimes self-indulgent but it works to the film’s benefit, creating a non-stop comedy ride that fires on all cylinders.

Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg and Craig Robinson recently came to San Francisco to promote This is the End, a film they are proudly releasing as counterprogramming to all the big blockbusters flooding multiplexes. With copious amounts of positive word of mouth quickly spreading on social media, the target audience for the film could make This is the End a well-deserved summer sleeper.

Hypable: There are a lot of very cool people in this movie. How easy or difficult was it to combine everyone’s schedules to film everything?

Evan Goldberg: It was a scheduling nightmare.

Seth Rogen: It was hard from a production standpoint but people were psyched to do it and it snowballed. There was a point where we thought we had too many people because we had to make sure everyone had a funny moment and a good joke.

Hypable: Did you do any CG tricks to put people together?

Rogen: No. There are no spliced together shots in the movie.

Goldberg: That probably would’ve been smart.

Rogen: We did film the party over the course of different days. We knew we couldn’t give twenty famous people one day to come so we gave them a few choices. The day we shot outside with Michael Cera in the sinkhole, that day I think we had everybody.

Hypable: This movie started out as a short. What made you want to stretch it out to a feature?

Goldberg: This started out online and when we put it up online it got a good reaction, almost 200,000 hits.

Rogen: People would always ask us about it in interviews.

Goldberg: And we could never figure out what made it interesting. We also had this other idea to have actors play themselves which started out as Seth Rogen and Busta Rhymes vs. The Antman. That was our first idea and then we decided to just work with our friends. Then we thought if we push these two ideas together we’d have a good story.

Hypable: You have six core cast members. Was it always those six or did it depend on who was available?

Rogen: It was always them, we went out to them before we even started writing. We wanted to make sure they were open to the idea because we didn’t want to waste anyone’s time.

Goldberg: We never thought we’d get all of them but even in that scenario we never came up with backups.

Hypable: I’ve noticed the last few weeks you’ve been interacting more and more with critics and fans through Twitter. Do you prefer that way of marketing or more traditional methods?

Rogen: Things have changed. There was no Facebook or Twitter when we made Knocked Up. The way we market movies is different and the way people ingest movies is different. So when we feel we’re doing the same shit we did six years ago, we think what the fuck are we doing? It’s different. Why are we talking to the same people? We actively seek new ways of engaging the press. And this only works if people like the movie. The movie itself is the greatest marketing tool.

Hypable: Do you have a favorite end of the world movie?

Goldberg: A hilarious version of I Am Legend.

Rogen: It’s just a guy alone doing funny shit. I wouldn’t want to be in that movie.

Hypable: Craig, how did you feel about your friends writing this exaggerated personality for you?

Craig Robinson: I loved it. They all made us feel comfortable. My wardrobe was the same t-shirt company that makes my t-shirts. They made me look mean in the beginning but it was all good.

Hypable: Regarding the scenes in the movie referencing Pineapple Express 2, were those just one-off jokes or is there real talk surrounding a sequel?

Rogen: A few years ago we thought what if there was a sequel and that’s what it would be. Literally it would be about Red calling us up and asking us to assassinate Woody Harrelson. It might happen one day. One day we were talking about it with Franco and his eyes lit up.

Hypable:What’s the question you wish journalists would stop asking you?

Goldberg: If you could bring any item with you to the apocalypse, what would it be?

Rogen: That’s always hard because I don’t fucking know.

Goldberg: They always think I’m going to say something like my Xbox or Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.”

Rogen: No. I am a human. I am bringing food.

This is the End is now playing in theatres nationwide.