AMC has finally unveiled its first six The Walking Dead webisodes (for which we saw photographs earlier today). Check them out below!

What do you think? Pretty intense, right? Worth the wait?

1. “A New Day”

This story, made exclusively for the web and directed by Greg Nicotero, tells the tale of one of The Walking Dead’s most iconic walkers. In episode one Hannah awakens to find her kids missing after a violent car accident.

2. “Family Matters”

Hannah has an emotional reunion with her kids and seeks refuge in her ex-husband Andrew’s home. While tending to her wounds, Hannah and Andrew try to make sense of the chaotic new world that surrounds them.

3. “Domestic Violence”

Judy’s effort to save a stranger leads to a deadly encounter with Andrew.

4. “Neighborly Advice”

Andrew goes to his neighbor Palmer’s basement in search of guns and supplies. Once there, the two have a man to man conversation and finally come to an understanding with one another.

5. “Step-Mother”

Hannah and Judy struggle for control of the children.

6. “Everything dies”

The family makes a desperate attempt to get to safety amid a rapidly growing swarm of walkers.