Season 9 of The Walking Dead is only a couple of months away but there is a lot to digest from the show’s recent trailer.

As predicted, the nearly six-minute trailer for The Walking Dead season 9 confirms a significant time jump. Maggie (finally) had baby Rhee and the communities have come together to rebuild following All-Out War.

Negan is still imprisoned and there’s certainly no shortage of drama between people, who are generally a bigger problem in any “end of the world” situation that any other threat.

Trailers were designed to not only give a sneak peek into what’s coming next, but to also give fans plenty of material to analyze and formulate theories while they impatiently wait for new episodes.

Here are a few takeaways, questions, and interesting moments from The Walking Dead Season 9 trailer:

Jerry and Nabila are an item

The past two seasons haven’t made much room for romance. Richonne was the primary power couple and there were some hints at a Carol/Ezekiel relationship, but everyone else was busy fighting for survival thanks to Negan.

The stability of this rebuilt community seems to have brought Carol and Ezekiel together as well as grown Richonne’s relationship. But, the Season 9 trailer revealed that two underrated badasses have formed a sweet union.

Ezekiel’s right-hand man and comic relief Jerry was seen smooching Nabila, a Kingdom native who has shown off her skills and intelligence. Hopefully this romance will lead to more screen time for them, but this could be a double-edged sword.

In The Walking Dead universe, couples don’t have a great track record and secondary characters often get the boot when they start to have too many speaking lines. Hopefully this isn’t the case with Jabila, but nothing is impossible on this show.

Maggie and Daryl, WYD?

At the end of season 8, Maggie and Daryl were trying to incite a coup against Rick after he decided to let Negan live. Based off of Maggie’s baby’s approximate age, it has been a least a year or so since the war ended, yet they are both still extremely salty.

If they wanted Negan dead, they could have snuck into his cell somehow and did it already. Instead they are still trying to figure out how to kill Negan and possibly overthrow Rick. Okay, guys.

In one scene, Michonne talks to Maggie about needing to make rules concerning how they treat each other and punishments for those who break the code. Hmm… perhaps this should have been covered a long time ago.

I can understand why Maggie is upset about Negan being alive after what he did with Glenn, but this seems like a useless fight at this point. And, Daryl is seen fighting and acting up in several scenes and exhibiting non-leadership behavior.

He says that banding together with others doesn’t feel right because its not like it was in the beginning when their small group was on their own.

Daryl is right about the world being different but, as time passes in the apocalypse, groups will inevitably come together, for better or worse. I can understand why he isn’t too keen on partnering with the remaining Saviors, but all of them cannot be terrible people.

It’s how human nature generally works. Daryl seems like someone who likes the lack of social constructs in this world because he didn’t feel like he “fit in” in the old world.

But, he has to realize that most people don’t want to live the rest of their lives in makeshift survival mode.

I don’t know what the deal is with them, but I don’t like it when the family feuds.

What is up with the community signs?

The trailer features a prominent shot of a signpost pointing to the respective communities. But, there is a community name that name that fans do not recognize. What is Toledo?

It must be relatively close to the other communities, but is it a previously established community or a new one that has been set up since the war? Could this be Georgie’s home?

Toledo does not make an appearance in the comics, so it will be interesting to see what characters come from this place.

The signs were also noticeably missing the Hilltop and Kingdom but included “HQ,” which presumably means headquarters. Have one of these locations become the official headquarters?

And, why are all these people out in the woods in tents anyway? This one shot conjures so many questions.

Here’s that helicopter again

The Walking Dead has been showing random helicopters since its pilot episode. Fans thought they were going to discover the story behind the helicopter last season via Jadis.

She was trying to contact whomever flies this helicopter but the show abandoned this mystery only to show her looking at yet another helicopter again in the trailer. Where is it from and who is the pilot?

What relationship does this helicopter have with Jadis? Does she know about other communities that she hasn’t told Rick about yet? Stop showing the helicopter if you aren’t going to have it go anywhere.

Where is Heath?

Speaking of stuff that led to nowhere, what happened to Heath? He randomly disappeared during a run with Tara in season 7 and left behind his broken glasses and a card with PPP on the back.

Tara returned back to Alexandria and no one ever spoke his name again. Scott Gimple has previously said that Heath will make a return, but it may not happen now that Angela Kang is running the show.

But, there is a mysterious scene still around the 3:04 mark in the trailer where Rick, Jesus, Daryl, and Michonne appear to be facing someone in the middle of a walker-laden street. They all look a bit surprised, but the viewer can only see a quick glimpse of the person’s arm.

It’s hard to tell the ethnicity of the mystery person standing in front of them, but it would be cool if this person somehow turned out to be Heath. It’s a stretch for sure but anything is possible if they can bring back Morales for no reason except to die.

What is Justin’s problem?

Henry and Daryl have one thing in common during this trailer. They both fight Justin, a Savior we have never seen before who is stirring up problems.

Most of the remaining Saviors seem to be grateful for Rick’s leadership, but there are a few who want to see Negan back in power. Justin definitely falls into the latter half and has gotten on Daryl’s last nerves.

He hits Justin in the head with a can and they fight TWICE in the trailer. What is the deal between these two?

Justin also annoys kids, which is seen when Henry hits him with an aikido move to knock him down. If he’s causing so many problems, then why hasn’t he been exiled or placed in some sort of custody?

He’s likely the ringleader of problem Saviors who are causing a lot of infighting within this new community collective.

Michonne is still the biggest badass in the apocalypse

Michonne has been a valuable asset to the crew since she arrived on the scene several seasons ago. She looks ridiculously awesome when she wields her katana, rides a horse, fires a gun, or does anything else onscreen.

The character was somewhat sidelined early last season due to actress Danai Gurira’s growing profile in the Marvel universe as Okoye, but this trailer shows a lot of Michonne in action.

There is one clip of her holding a bloody bat (not necessarily Negan’s) and looking horrified for some unknown reason. What or who did she hit with the bat?

There’s a lot of mystery surrounding her character, especially what will happen to her after she loses Rick. Michonne cares for the others in the group, but Carl and Rick were her primary purpose for being in the group.

Will she take Judith and loosely follow her comic arc by living at the Commonwealth? Or, will Michonne find a way to continue Rick’s legacy as a leader? Only time will tell.

What happens to Rick?!

It’s the big question of the year and there are a couple of mini teases in the trailer. The most prominent scene zeroes in on Rick’s infamous cowboy boots shuffling down a road in a walker-like way while blood drips on the ground.

He may not be undead just yet, but he’s definitely suffered a major injury in this scene. There is also a scene where Rick is lying on the ground and holding his side while a large crew runs past him.

Could this be a fatal injury? Maggie and Daryl are also not to be trusted and it’s not impossible for one of them to be the indirect (or direct) cause of Rick’s death. Rick’s fate is completely up in the air at this point and Walking Dead fans are dreading the inevitable end of his journey.

Hello Magna and friends

The Walking Dead has lost a ton of main characters in the past couple of seasons. Now, they are adding more people to the show with several new characters, including Magna.

She’s a popular main character from the comics who has a personality and leadership qualities similar to Rick. In the trailer, she’s interviewed by Father Gabriel and says she waited tables at a truck stop.

Her girlfriend Yumiko also plays a big role in the comics and will join the TV show as well. Their group also includes sisters Connie, a deaf character, and Kelly, who helps her communicate with those who don’t know sign language.

Luke seems to be the sole male and doesn’t offer too much information about himself except saying he was a music teacher before the apocalypse.

Losing beloved faves is hard, but these new characters seem interesting and add another layer of diversity to the show.

The Whisperers AND Commonwealth are on the way

New comic arcs are getting ready to hit the TV series. One scene in the trailer focuses a little too intently on a windmill with the word “Commonwealth” scrolled across it.

In the comics, the Commonwealth is a massive community with over 50K survivors who live in various towns. The trailer doesn’t give any more information about this community, but its obviously going to play a part in this season.

The Commonwealth may be the “HQ” on the community direction sign or they may come into play in the latter half of the season.

The season 9 trailer ends with an interesting Rosita and Eugene scene. They are presumably running from a herd of walkers when they slip into a muddy ditch and cover their bodies to mask their smell.

As a group of walkers walk by, one of them faintly whispers “where are theeyyyy?” A non-comic fan might be a bit confused, but this scene does not show the evolution of the walker race. Instead, it is the sly introduction of the Whisperers.

They are a dangerous new foe who wear walker skins to blend in among the dead and are lead by Alpha, who relishes in this new world with out social constructs. They kill a few currently alive favorites in the comics but the show does deviate from its source material.

It seems a bit soon from the viewers perspective to have yet another villainous group but it has been a couple of years for the survivors. And, they might be the deadliest group of all if they manage to take out Rick Grimes.