The Walking Dead season 7, episode 3, “The Cell,” brings fans to Negan’s home base at the Sanctuary where Daryl is being kept prisoner!

‘The Walking Dead’ season 7, episode 3 recap:

  1. At first, Dwight makes lift at the Sanctuary look like a walk in the park. Plenty of food, games, and tv to keep them entertained. They still have to bow down to Negan though, and there’s a bunch of creepy walkers staked around the entrance.
  2. Life isn’t so grand for Daryl, who is being kept in a cell naked and being fed dog food. The sad part is, I’m sure that Daryl thinks he deserves it.
  3. Dwight takes Daryl out of the cell to bring him to the doctor, where they run into Dwight’s ex Sherry who recognizes Daryl! She advices Daryl to do whatever they say to do, even though Dwight warns her not to talk him. It looks like someone in the Sanctuary is willing to be nice.
  4. Dwight takes Daryl outside to see the walkers, he says that Daryl can either be like them or him. It’s clear that they’re trying to condition him to become one of Negan’s minions. If Daryl’s smart he’ll play along until he can find a way to get back to Alexandria.
  5. Dwight and Negan think that Daryl is close to breaking, of course right then he’s trying to break out of his cell. Negan offers to reward Dwight with a treat of a night with his choice of a lady, but Dwight turns him down. This clearly displeases Negan and their relationship seems quite strained still.
  6. Dwight goes on a run by himself, with Daryl’s bike, but he has to walk it through a bunch of walkers blocking the road. A walker mysteriously falls of the bridge and causes Dwight to fall into the others, nearly getting bitten.
  7. When the Savior watching Daryl for Dwight doesn’t close the door all the way, Daryl tries to escape. Sherry runs into him and tells Daryl to go back to his cell because he won’t be able to get away. If he’s bad, things will just get worse. Of course he doesn’t listen and gets caught by Negan and some others.
  8. Negan was just testing Daryl, and he failed big time. He still wants Daryl to work for him though, and even likes that Daryl doesn’t flinch when he goes to swing at him with Lucille. It’s quite jarring that I never know wether Negan is going to attack someone or make a joke.
  9. Sherry visits Daryl in his cell, and tells him that she’s sorry again for what happened in the woods.
  10. Dwight finds the Savior who ran away, and says he’d rather die than go back. It’s clear that life at the Sanctuary isn’t a happy one. Dwight shoots him, but I’m not sure if it’s out of pitty or something more sinister.
  11. Dwight returns to the Sanctuary and finds Sherry smoking in a hallway. She says that Negan is good to her, and he’s glad to hear that. Dwight says he’s happy too, and they did the right thing. It doesn’t seem like they’re being honest to each other though.
  12. When Dwight goes to feed Daryl, he reminds him that his friends are dead because of him. Daryl retaliates and throws the food at him. So Dwight leaves behind a picture of Glenn, and one look at it has Daryl in tears. It’s the worst thing that Dwight can throw in Daryl’s face right now.
  13. Negan has Dwight bring Daryl to him and explains the points system to him. How Negan offered to marry Dwight’s sister in law to help her with the medication she needed. So when Dwight took off with them and the meds, Negan had to punish him. Sherry agreed to marry Negan to save Dwight’s life, and Dwight got the iron instead of Lucille.
  14. Negan seems to be proud of Dwight, and says they’re totally cool. The look on Dwight’s face tells me otherwise but we’ll have to wait and see about that. Negan wants Daryl to be the next one to join his inner circle.
  15. When Negan asks Daryl who he is, he doesn’t get the answer that he wants.
  16. Dwight is furious at Daryl for not giving in, and isn’t expecting Daryl to say he understands why Dwight made the choice back in the woods. He was thinking about someone else which is the same reason that Daryl can’t give in to Negan.
  17. Outside, Dwight’s friend is added to the walkers guarding the Sanctuary.
  18. Negan’s system seems to have a lot of weaknesses. Although he has strength in numbers, there seem to be a lot of his followers that would turn on him if they had another way to be safe. This is something that Rick can take advantage of, if he gets enough information on what’s going on.
  19. Fun Fact: The song they played to torture Daryl with is called Easy Street by The Collapsable Hearts.

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