The second official photo from The Walking Dead season 4 has hit the internet and makes us wonder if Daryl has a new attitude.

Played by actor Norman Reedus, The Walking Dead season 4 character has a bandana covering his mouth, which leads us to wonder several things: Is he about to rob a bank? Is he covering his mouth to filter the air? Is he covering up a wound on his face? Could he hope that this more daunting look will scare away The Governor?

We can see some fence in the background which suggests he’s standing outside of the prison and he could be looking towards the woods.

All questions and no answers, but it’s nice to see the second official photo from the highly-anticipated fourth run of AMC’s zombie show which starts up again in October.

The Walking Dead season 4’s cast and crew (Reedus included, we imagine) will appear at San Diego Comic-Con next week to discuss the show with fans and unveil new footage. As they’ve done at Comic-Con’s past, we expect them to unveil the season release date. Last week, AMC released a banner being used at Comic-Con this year to promote the show. Notably, it depicts Michonne riding a horse and one new regular cast member.

This past Monday we learned season 4, episode 1’s title. It was surprisingly descriptive and, like this bandana photo, has us asking many questions.

Do you think Daryl’s bandana holds any significant clues to what lies ahead this weekend, or is Daryl just wanting a new look?

Thanks to EW for the photo.