The Walking Dead mid-season 8 finale is just around the corner, and the fandom is already freaking out about who might get killed! Vote now on who you think we’ll be saying goodbye to.

With AMC teasing something shocking happening on The Walking Dead mid-season 8 finale, fans are naturally expecting one of the characters to die. With everyone at war with the Saviors now, pretty much all of the characters are in danger.

For the most part, fans seem to be mainly worried about a select few characters. There is, of course, always a worry that fan favorite Daryl will get killed off. Since he isn’t a part of the comics, the showrunners can pretty much do whatever they want with the character and fans won’t have any other timelines to compare it to. Daryl also happens to be acting pretty recklessly this season.

Others worry that Tara’s actions could also lead her to be killed, since she’s been working with Daryl on a little side mission to go after the Saviors. She’s another character that fans seem to worry about every time a finale rolls around though and there don’t seem to be any other indications that she could be killed.

In the teaser for the mid-season finale it seems like there’s trouble in Alexandria because Carl and Michonne are rushing to get their guns while Carl says, “All we need to do is survive tonight.” It’s possible that a group of Saviors went there to head off Rick’s group and get some revenge. That means that all of his family could be in danger.

There are also rumors that Carl will, in fact, be the one killed this time around. He’s had plenty of close calls in the past, but since the actor appears to be heading off to college that has fans even more antsy. Yet, fans also worry about him every year. Chandler Riggs even joked about the articles teasing his death for the last few years:

So, it’s really not clear who is going to die this time around (assuming that happens). Personally, I think we could also be dealing with another Glenn/dumpster situation where it looks like someone dies but it’s not really confirmed. You know, just to drive us all batty for a while.

One of the most interesting theories I’ve seen out in the fandom is that the Saviors will come after Alexandria with their weapons tarnished from walker-residue. Meaning that anyone that gets injured will die from the virus and become a walker. In the comics, Dwight had to shoot Rick with an arrow in order to keep up his appearances with the Saviors but made sure that it was clean. When Negan returns to take over he assumes that Rick is dead, and he’s so shocked to see Rick alive that he is easily taken down.

Some think a similar storyline could happen with Carl, the Saviors think he’s dead and therefore he has to stay hidden for a while. It helps Rick keep Carl safe from Negan’s wrath and keeps that storyline from the comics going without taking Rick away from the action.

Vote below and let us know who you think we’ll be saying goodbye to on The Walking Dead mid-season 8 finale!

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