With The Walking Dead back in just a few short hours, Lauren Cohen spoke about what’s in store for Maggie and Glenn, as well as the rest of the group, in part two of season 3.

Even at the end of the world, in a zombie-filled apocalypse in North America, you can find love. Maggie and Glenn, two of our key survivors in the walker wilderness that is The Walking Dead, are a constant reminder that even when all hope seems lost, love can shed a little light.

Following an awful, torturous experience in Woodbury, Maggie and Glenn were rescued by Rick and co from the Governor, but the repercussions of their salvation look sure to be pretty intense. With Rick and the Governor locked in each others sights, things are going to get nasty.

The beautiful Lauren Cohen spoke to BuddyTV about how Maggie is going to move on in the second half of season 3, and what could be coming for her and her relationship with Glenn, and the rest of the prison team.

As we previously reported, Steven Yeun, who plays Glenn, talked to Channel Guide Magazine and indicated that Glenn is not going to let what he was put through in Woodbury go lightly. Cohen, however, notes that whilst Maggie does struggle to deal with how she was treated and the traumatic experiences she was put through in Woodbury, “she doesn’t want revenge quite as much as Glenn does, but she is still shaking off the repercussions of that.”

However, all is not lost for our romance in the midst of the undead, Cohen reassured:

Maggie and Glenn have been through a lot already and it has pulled them closer together. They are a star-crossed couple in many ways as I see it. It’s not going to be easy, but they are going to get stronger.

Well thats a relief! How do you think Maggie and Glenn will overcome everything they’ve endured so far? Will they work it out together or go it alone?

Cohen also gave hints as to the rest of the season and what we should be expecting:

The idea of the human threat is going to get stronger and it’s going to be as much of a emotional roller coaster as the first half was. So be prepared.

Are you ready for the midseason comeback of The Walking Dead tonight? Be sure not to miss what is sure to be an absolutely jaw-dropping return, tonight on AMC 9/8 ET/PT.